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My Favourite Book Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

My Favourite Book Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jul 08, 2023 04:16 PM IST

Essay on My Favourite Book -

Books are a powerhouse of information and knowledge. There are different genres of books available for book readers. Every day, thousands of books are available in the market ranging from travel books to fictional books. We can pick any book of our interest to expand our knowledge and enjoy the reading experience. Here are some sample essays on my favourite book.

This Story also Contains
  1. Essay on My Favourite Book -
  2. 100 Words Essay on My Favourite Book
  3. 200 Words Essay on My Favourite Book
  4. 500 Words Essay on My Favourite Book
  5. What Has Harry Potter Taught Me?
My Favourite Book Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words
My Favourite Book Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

100 Words Essay on My Favourite Book

Our ability to learn and retain information improves constantly as and when we read more and more ebooks. Reading a book is the finest way to learn something. My parents are avid book collectors. We even have an enormous collection of novels and books at home. The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes is one of them, and it's my favourite.

Background wave

I love Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's writing. Most of his novels have been read by me. My favourite of them is Sherlock Holmes. The main character of this book series, Dr Watson, is also very fascinating. Upon beginning to read Sherlock Holmes, I fell in love with detective fiction. I have read numerous novels throughout my life since I enjoy reading them.

200 Words Essay on My Favourite Book

The Book I Love

Rusty, an orphaned Anglo-Indian young boy, is the protagonist of the novel ‘The Room on the Roof’. He lived with an Englishman named Mr Harrison in a colony of Europeans in Dehradun. Mr Harrison desires that Rusty should grow into a cultured Englishman and makes an effort to keep him away from the local Indians.

On the other hand, Rusty enjoys playing with his Indian friends. Thus, Rusty flees to live with his friends because he cannot stand Mr Harrison's strict rules and domineering personality. As he moves away from Mr Harrison, Rusty learns a lot about India and the Indian lifestyle. But he soon understands that in order to survive, he must work.

He soon starts teaching English to Mr and Mrs Kapoor's son Kishen. They provide him with a space under their roof and feed him in exchange for his help and support. He eventually learns that Mr Kapoor is an alcoholic. His wife Meena is 20 years younger than Mr Kapoor. Meena is attracted to Rusty, and he feels the same way about her. They become very close over time. Rusty experiences joy for the very first time in his entire life.

His joy, however, is short-lived since Meena perishes in a car accident. Both Kishen and Rusty are devastated by the news. Kishen moves in with his aunt after this occurrence, leaving Rusty alone. Rusty makes the decision to settle down in England in order to get over his tragedy and start again.

500 Words Essay on My Favourite Book

Books have always been loyal companions that stick by your side. The ones that were always there by my side were books. I like reading books. Without physically going anywhere, they have the ability to allow us to travel through other places. Furthermore, reading books helps us use our creativity. My parents and educators pushed me to read during my childhood. I learned the value of reading from them.

Harry Potter Series

Harry Potter is a series of novels by J.K. Rowling. It feels authentic because J.K. Rowling did such an excellent job at painting a visual of this world. The Goblet of Fire is my favourite volume in this series.

My interest was immediately sparked when I began reading the book. I had read every chapter before, but none of the novels had the same effect on me as this particular one did. A broader view of the wizard's society was provided. This book's presentation of the various wizard schools is among the aspects that most thrill me. One of the most original ideas I've encountered in the books of Harry Potter is the idea of the Tri-wizard competition.

What Has Harry Potter Taught Me?

The Harry Potter books offer a lot of principles for young individuals to learn, despite the fact that they are about wizards and the magical world. It first teaches us the value of friendship. Despite the number of novels I've read, I've never encountered a friendship quite like Harry, Hermione, and Ron's. Throughout the entire series of books, these three musketeers remained a team and never gave up. It made me appreciate the significance of a good friend.

I learned that none of us is flawless from the Harry Potter series. It also taught me that each person has both good and bad traits and it is up to us who we want to be and this is the decision only we make for ourselves. Even the characters with the greatest flaws, like Snape, had excellent qualities like intelligence, commitment, ambition, and talent and he fulfilled all his promises.

Although Snape was a cruel and cunning personality he changed and became a good person after Dumbledore gave him a chance. It teaches us that every bad person can change, it might be a difficult process but one should always change for good. These qualities inspire me to be ambitious and committed as this will help me to achieve all the goals in my life.

I learned from them what it is to have hope and believe that there is light on the other side of the tunnel. It empowered me to maintain optimism even at the worst moments, as Harry did throughout his entire life.

A lot of films based on novels have been produced. The authenticity and core of the novels are unmatched. No other type of media can compare to the specifics and inclusivity of books. I still think The Goblet of Fire is my favourite book because of this fact.

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