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Mass Media Essay

Mass Media Essay

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jul 08, 2023 01:34 PM IST

The word "mass media" refers to a wide range of various technologies used to help broadcast and spread entertainment and information to the general population. All forms of media, including radio, newspapers, cable television, and theatre, are considered a mass media component. These devices include public participation and opinion exchange. Here are a few sample essays on “Mass Media”.

Mass Media Essay
Mass Media Essay

100 Words Essay On Mass Media

A communication method that reaches a large audience is referred to as mass media. This can include radio, television, newspapers, magazines, the internet, and other media. Mass media has grown to be an integral component of our society and greatly impacts how we live. The media significantly influences our daily lives. Here is how:-

  • Media gives us a lot of diverse information about the outside world.

  • With the help of the media, we may gain a thorough understanding of various events, including political, economic, and other global events

  • Media updates us about global happenings.

Only the mass media can simultaneously disseminate the same information worldwide in various locations. The most significant channels for communication nowadays are the mass media.

200 Words Essay On Mass Media

The information age is what we are now living in. And the most efficient and successful means of communicating or exchanging information are the mainstream media. The development of digital technology has made mass media more influential. Media is also the most significant source of news, opinions, and viewpoints. Information may also be found everywhere in the world due to the mass media.

Types Of Mass Media

Mass media refers to the channels used to convey news and information. There are two divisions in the mass media. Print media and electronic media are the first and second. Newspapers, periodicals, journals, and other printed products are print media. Radio, television, satellite channels, the internet, movies, and other technological media.

Uses Of Mass Media

Let us discuss the uses of mass media:-

  • During times of various national needs, the media links the government and the general public.

  • The media not only conveys information, news, and ideas to the public but also raises many socio-economic and political issues.

  • Additionally, they influence public perception and consciousness of many concerns and problems.

  • People express their opinions through the media.

  • We are kept up to speed on international events through the media.

  • Media mostly focuses on social ills and political or economic crises and helps people navigate them. The media protects people's right to information, which is now acknowledged as one of their fundamental rights.

500 Words Essay On Mass Media

The world's most powerful entity is the media. They possess the authority to impute guilt to those who are innocent and innocence to those who have committed crimes. due to their dominance over the collective mentality.

New Media | Mass media now includes the internet, mobile devices, email, computers, pagers, and satellites. These new features convey data from a single source to several receivers. They function on the person-to-person formula and are interactive. As a result, it is focused on the population. When we discuss mass media, radio, television, the press, and film are indeed highlighted.

Old Yet Impactful Media | However, the significance of pamphlets, booklets, newspapers, banners, billboards, and other materials is similarly significant, if not more so. Furthermore, a significant number of people residing all around the nation are within reach of these resources.

Reflection Of Popular Culture | The government or private financial organisations run somewhat expensive media such as television, movies, radio, and the press. At the heart of these technologies lies the concept of mass manufacturing and distribution. Newspapers, television, and radio meet the general public's demands and adapt to their preferences. It will only sometimes be sophisticated or refined as a result. To put it another way, it exhibits popular culture.

Advantages Of Mass Media

The modern world has several benefits that mass media provides. Different forms of mass media offer a variety of advantages and benefits, from facilitating quicker communication to working as a watchdog for democracy.

Voice Of People | Since the general people have the freedom to voice their thoughts and opinions, mass media plays a crucial role in bringing people into the mainstream. As a result, it becomes the voice of the voiceless, providing the appropriate platform for individuals to express their right to free expression.

Effective Communication | The globe has become a global village due to many forms of mass media, including social media and digital platforms. Mass communication has proven beneficial for keeping touch between individuals, organisations, governments, and the entire world.

Drawbacks Of Mass Media

In addition, mass media has various drawbacks, including the danger of fraud and hacking, compromised privacy, health concerns, glorifying prohibited information and themes, and the ease with which fake news may spread.

Real-Time Example Of Mass Media

Here is a story of how a 24-year-old used social media to ensure timely access to blood for 14,000 patients.

The Initiative | Currently, more than 60% of Indians are eligible to give blood. In order to support patients and their families, 24-year-old Raghav Baldwa manages the Facebook page, “Blood Sure”, to ensure access to blood to patients who need it.

How It Began | In the beginning, Raghav encouraged people to donate blood, gathered information on regular blood donors, posted requests from individuals searching for donors on social media platforms, asked his friends to submit their blood types and phone numbers so he could call them when required, etc.

By September 2012, Raghav had already helped over 14,000 individuals nationwide. Additionally, he had created a database with contact information of over 70,000 loyal contributors. These facts were gathered by him from a variety of social media sites, WhatsApp groups, etc.

How It Works | Every time he receives a request, Raghav shares the information on Facebook and Twitter, tagging those he believes can help in spreading the message. A staggering 75% of requests are completed online. Raghav personally contacts or texts donors to request donations in cases where people don't hear a response from them. He also receives contact requests from various people and organisations that help patients in making arrangements for blood. Raghav plans to release a geotagging app in the future to make it easier for users to get in touch with contributors.

The Motivation | Raghav, who has given blood approximately 20 times, says that the sole reason he does it is to solve a social issue. He organises blood donation drives on university campuses, corporate campuses, etc., and all the blood collected is given to an Indore hospital that treats Thalassemia patients.

"Once, in Sehore, close to Bhopal, I got a request. The guy was asking for help for his father because he did not have the money to give to any blood bank. I responded to his social media request, and he contacted me back to thank me for helping his father in an indirect way. Many parents whose children have Thalassemia call me to express their gratitude. These things keep me inspired to put forth more effort,” Raghav says on his official Facebook page “Blood Sure”.

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