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Laughter Is The Best Medicine Essay

Laughter Is The Best Medicine Essay

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Feb 02, 2023 02:19 PM IST

The best treatment for any problem we are dealing with is to always be cheerful. An upbeat day indicates positive energy all around. We have a distinct perspective on and comprehension of the people. The definition of laughter is "pleasure" or "bringing cheer to your life." Here are a few sample essays on “Laughter Is The Best Medicine”.

Laughter Is The Best Medicine Essay
Laughter Is The Best Medicine Essay

100 Words Essay on Laughter is the Best Medicine

The best medicine for people is laughter. The best form of rehabilitation for a person is laughter. When one laughs, their body's immunity rises, and they can better fend off other illnesses. Laughter enters a patient's body more quickly than any medication. Humour is the best therapy for those who experience despair, anxiety, etc. People join laughter clubs to make friends and laugh with them after their morning strolls in the park. This makes their bond or relationship even stronger. The doctor will also request that the patient's entire family maintain their happiness when they are in pain. We feel relieved when we laugh heartily.

200 Words Essay on Laughter is the Best Medicine

Life is full of ups and downs. We've all faced difficulties and sorrows, but we've all overcome them. The best way to deal with any discomfort is to grin. It has long been known that the best way to deal with suffering, tension, and conflict is to laugh. Here are a few reasons as to why laughter is called the best medicine.

  • A good chuckle is the fastest way to improve someone's mental and physical well-being.

  • By lightening your load and enabling you to connect with others, humour also helps you concentrate.

  • Consequently, laughter can transform a person's mind and physique.

  • Your brain functions appropriately when you are joyful, and your facial expression adjusts correspondingly.

  • A person's immune system performs better and is strengthened to fend off diseases when they laugh their hearts out.

  • Laughter aids in lowering stress hormones, engages your muscles, and boosts blood flow throughout the body.

  • Additionally, it shields the person from grave dangers to their lives.

So, laughter is a beautiful experience and a necessary component of the human body's work. It assists in lowering stress hormones, activating muscles, and improving blood flow throughout the body. One is also shielded from any unforeseen health issues by having healthy arteries. Therefore, laughing is an enjoyable experience and a required component of human body function.

500 Words Essay on Laughter is the Best Medicine

Laughter is the best medicine is a saying that we frequently hear from our parents, family, teachers, and fitness professionals. This is because laughter has several benefits for our mood and health. According to studies, a kindergarten youngster laughs approximately 300 times per day, compared to adults who, on average, only laugh seventeen times per day. Being goofy and laughing aloud is acceptable since you will feel incredibly joyful and delighted. This medication does wonders in the treatment of several ailments. Your physical, emotional, and general well-being will benefit from it. Many illnesses, including feelings of melancholy, fear, and anxiety, can be treated with laughter.

How Laughter Helps Us

You feel better when you laugh. And even when the laughter stops, you continue to feel good. Humour helps you maintain a bright, upbeat view through challenging circumstances, setbacks, and loss. Laughter gives you the bravery and strength to look for new meanings and sources of optimism, providing more than simply a reprieve from misery and pain. Even in the most trying circumstances, a grin or even a simple laugh can work wonders for your mood. And, indeed, laughter spreads quickly; even the sound of it can make you smile and participate in the fun.

Benefits Of Laughter

Some of the benefits of laughter can be listed as:-

  • Boosts immunity.

  • It helps in relaxing our muscles.

  • It helps in lowering the stress hormone.

  • Decreases tension as well as anxiety.

  • Lowers blood pressure.

  • It helps in fighting depression.

  • It also improves teamwork.

  • It strengthens our relationships.

Beauty Of Laughter

Nothing eases tension and a disagreement more quickly than a good chuckle. Putting things in perspective by finding the humour in them will help you move past conflicts without harbouring resentment or animosity. The act of sharing laughter with others makes people happier. Social interaction improves our mood and lessens the sense of isolation. The harm caused by stress and despair can be repaired by socialising and spreading joy. Since depression is a serious illness, it must be treated as soon as possible. Laughter can undoubtedly aid in the fight against serious illnesses like depression.

There is no harm in laughing thus, we should always take advantage of every opportunity to do so or just chuckle, even if it is for no apparent reason. Even if modern life is hectic and demanding, it is not wise to neglect our health. We all need to join laughter yoga clubs to enjoy the advantages of laughter and improve our general health, which is the true definition of wealth. It lessens daily tension and gives us energy for our daily tasks.

My Experience With Yoga Teacher

A person's mood can quickly become upbeat when they laugh, and it is difficult to be unhappy when you are laughing. My yoga teacher claims that if we consistently practise grinning, laughing, and laughing aloud for a while, we will never experience depression. Therefore, she made me realise that it serves as a treatment for depression and a preventative measure against it. She also said that humour is the sixth sense that is crucial for survival and shouldn't be undervalued at all. My teacher’s advice still echoes through my thoughts and helped me realise how important laughter is for us.

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