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International Yoga Day Essay in English for Students and Children

International Yoga Day Essay in English for Students and Children

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jun 20, 2024 05:24 PM IST

International Day for Yoga is celebrated on 21st June as a global event, and it started in 2015. India's Prime minister, Shri Narendra Modi, proposed this day at the United Nations in 2014. India's ambassador presented a draft resolution to the UN on International Yoga Day, and it received support from 177 nations, which was the highest number of co-sponsors for any UNGA resolution. After that, the UN declared June 21 as International Yoga Day.

International Yoga Day Essay in English for Students and Children
International Yoga Day Essay in English for Students and Children

100 Words Essay on International Yoga Day

Yoga originated in India as an ancient physical, spiritual and mental practice. A yoga practice symbolises the union of the body and consciousness by using a Sanskrit word meaning joining or uniting. International Yoga Day is celebrated with enthusiasm all over the world on 21 June. Narendra Modi proposed the idea of an International Yoga Day on 27 September 2014. He chose this day because this is the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere and has great significance in many parts of the world. Yoga is a form of meditation which makes people's lives better holistically. It attempts to promote physical and mental fitness for the mind, body, and soul. It also revitalises our bodies and promotes tranquillity.

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200 Words Essay on International Yoga Day

Every year on June 21, the ancient healthy art of life of yoga is honoured on International Yoga Day. Yoga translates to "union" from the Sanskrit language. Yoga aims to bring harmony by fusing the body and the mind.

The date was chosen at the suggestion of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who had pitched 21 June as the most important day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, which is observed as a day of cultural significance in different parts of the world.

Yoga brings inner awareness. It also helps develop the strength of the mind and body. When you are emotional, it's easy to be dominated by your feelings. Our mood determines how we interact with people, how much money we spend, how we deal with challenges, and how we spend our time. Yoga helps in controlling these feelings and our moods. But the most undervalued benefit of Yoga is fitness. It increases our flexibility, perfects posture, builds muscle strength and tone, increases blood flow, drops high blood pressure, helps weight loss, improves balance, reduces back pain and maintains a balanced metabolism in our body. You may make your body more flexible by doing yoga. An individual's body will experience less pain if it is flexible. Yoga can help you feel better. A person's body does not grow fatigued during the day if they practice yoga for 20 to 30 minutes each day.

500 Words Essay on International Yoga Day

The United Nations marked the day to raise awareness about the benefits of practising Yoga for people worldwide. The date was chosen because 21 June is the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere. More than 35,985 people, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and notable dignitaries, celebrated the event by exercising the 21 different asanas in New Delhi. Many other people and gurus took the initiative to promote the development of Yoga. This Yoga program was recognised in the Guinness World Records for the highest number of persons in a single yoga class.

Moreover, it gained popularity across the world. The word Yoga originated from the Sanskrit language of Yuja, which means ‘to unite’. International Yoga Day is essential to promote Yoga. It emphasises the importance of Yoga in our lives. Yoga is for physical, mental and spiritual fitness. Yoga's advantages need to be made known to a wide audience. This day serves as a reminder to everyone who hasn't yet practised yoga.

History Of International Yoga Day

The idea of having a day for Yoga was proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi of India on September 27, 2014 in one of his speeches in "Mann ki Baat". Later, he presented this idea in the United Nations General Assembly, and it was decided to make 21 June as International Yoga Day. Yoga Day is declared to raise awareness among people about the benefits of Yoga.

Significance In Our Lives

Yoga is one of the most beneficial activities an individual can add to their lifestyle. It is an excellent activity for a healthy body and mind. It also helps with many life hurdles, like anxiety, fears and nervousness. When exercised daily, with enough periods, one can keep his health always sound.

The theme for International Yoga Day 2024 is 'Yoga For Women Empowerment’. Every year, International Yoga Day has a different theme. International Yoga Day is celebrated in Yoga Institutes every year, and several communities of society follow the theme of the year.

Some Interesting Facts:

  • Swami Vivekanand, in 1893, introduced Yoga to the world for the first time.

  • Approximately 20 million Americans practice Yoga.

  • According to many studies, it has been proven that Yoga improves coordination, IQ and memory. The person does not easily deviate from their path and concentrates on their aim. Also, yoga relaxes the entire body and makes people happier.

  • Yoga keeps our nervous system healthy and helps us fight stress. It increases the lifespan of the people who practice it regularly.

Shilpa Shetty’s Yoga Journey

Shilpa Shetty, an Indian actress, has always been in the frontlines when it comes to fitness. She managed to stay active throughout the years and inspired many to follow suit. Shilpa spoke on the occasion of World Yoga Day about her yoga journey and how it has improved her life. She adopted the technique 16 years ago and claimed she wouldn't return.

Yoga is a whole way of life that strengthens and improves physical and mental health. It is not just a kind of exercise. It instils discipline, values, love, and respect for one's body. When Shilpa Shetty was coping with a cervical problem, her physiotherapist advised her to start practising Yoga to strengthen her spine. Shilpa eventually grew to love the practice and adopted it into her lifestyle.

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