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Essay On Plants

Essay On Plants

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 17, 2023 12:36 PM IST

Plants are an incredibly important kingdom of organisms and one of the most important components of the earth. They help in the sustainability of life on this planet. Most plants are photosynthetic in nature. Photosynthesis is a process by which phototrophs convert light energy into chemical energy and this energy is later used to fuel cellular activities. Plants provide the foundation of many food webs and aid the survival of the animal kingdom. Here are a few sample essays on “Plants''.

Essay On Plants
Essay On Plants

100 Words Essay On Plants

A plant is a living thing which grows in the crust of the earth (soil), in water or on other plants; and usually has leaves, a long thin green central part called the stem, flowers, seeds and roots. A plant can be a young tree, vine, shrub, or herb. Plants belong to the kingdom “Plantae” of multicellular eukaryotic, mostly photosynthetic. Plants lack locomotive movement, and nervous or sensory systems and possess cellulose cell walls. Plants are classified by a system called taxonomy, which is based on their genetic and evolutionary relationship. Plant taxonomy is a branch of science that gets updated as new species are found almost daily.

200 Words Essay On Plants

Plants are multicellular organisms which can be distinguished by various features like they make their food. The study of plants falls under the subject of Botany. Botany has identified about 3,50,000 species of plants such as bryophytes, seed plants and fern allies. Green plants, also known as viridiplantae, prepare their own food in the presence of sunlight through a process called photosynthesis.

Source Of Food | Plants benefit us in a number of ways by providing seeds such as wheat, rice, corn etc that we eat in our daily life. Plants provide us with tasty fruits that give us minerals and vitamins. Apart from fruits and other food, plants also provide us with oxygen, shelter, fruits, food, timber, wood, fuel and medicine.

Preserve Ecosystem | Plants play an essential role in preserving the fauna and maintaining ecological balance. Without plants, human life would become miserable as we all are very much dependent on them. The absence of plants on earth will lead to desolation and deserts all around us.

Need To Protect | Thousands of plants are being cut down daily to make furniture and paper. All humans need to grow more trees and plants and protect the existing ones. Trees should be grown on bare cultivated land and forestry should cover a larger area.

500 Words Essay On Plants

Plants are incredible species which can use up abiotic components from the environment to make their own food and also give oxygen to the atmosphere, which is one of the basic factors for the sustainability of life on earth. The classification of plants is basically done on their evolutionary and genetic relationship.

Classification Of Plants

Plants can be classified on the following criteria:-

Vascular And Non-Vascular Plants

Plants can be classified as vascular or non-vascular:-

  • Vascular – the group of plants which possess the vascular systems to conduct food and water throughout the plant. They own true stems, leaves and roots.

  • Non-vascular – the plants which do not possess vascular systems. They have a stem and leaf-like structures and rhizoids instead of true structures.

Life Cycle

Plants are also classified based on their life cycles:-

Annuals | These are the plants which live for only one season, that is they complete their entire life cycle in a single season. They are mostly herbaceous. Examples are wheat, rice, pulses, etc.

Biennials | These are the plants which complete their life cycle in two years. They are also herbaceous and examples are cabbage, carrot, beetroot and onions.

Perennials | These are plants having a long lifespan. They generally live for more than two years. They are either woody or herbaceous. Examples of perennial plants are lavender, dianthus and lilies.


Based on taxonomy, plants can be classified as below:-

Coniferophyta (Gymnosperms) | This group of plants is primarily evergreen and is found in the temperate zone. 700 species of gymnosperms are known to date. They are vascular, meaning that they do not flower. They do not bear fruits or flowers but produce seeds. Examples of gymnosperms are cycads, pines and cedars.

Anthophyta (Angiosperms) | This group of plants can grow into herbs, shrubs, bushes and big trees. 2,50,000 species of angiosperms are known to date. The trees we see around us are mostly under this category. Angiosperms are characterised by their seeds, fully enclosed in fruits. Examples are roses, mango trees, etc. They are further divided into -

  • Monocotyledonous – These plants are called monocot plants. These are flowering plants which have seeds that contain only one cotyledon. The leaves of these plants have a venation pattern, and it is a parallel vein. Examples are rice, sugarcane and corn. Over 50,000 species of monocot plants are known.

  • Dicotyledonous – These dicot plants are flowering plants, and they grow as herbs, shrubs, and trees. The seeds have two cotyledons. It has a net-like vein pattern, and the leaves radiate outwards from the main central vein. Examples of dicotyledonous plants are eucalyptus and figs.

Plant kingdom can be broken down into further divisions like:-

Thallophyta | This is the division which includes various kinds of microorganisms like fungi and algae. These algae can be further divided into green, brown and red algae.

Bryophyta | These plants are found in water and land, examples are mosses, liverworts and hornworts.

Pteridophyta | This group of plants do not have any flowers or seeds like ferns and club mosses. Ferns have true roots, stems and leaves, produced by spores. The life cycle of these plants depends on spores rather than seeds and preceded seed-forming reproductive processes.

Gymnosperm | This group have uncoated seeds that are exposed for reproduction. and the seeds are often born in cones that are not visible until maturation.

Angiosperm | These are also called flowering plants and their seeds are protected in an ovary. Fruits are born from the flower of the plant, which is formed from the seeds (ovules) in the ovary which is often enclosed in a flower, and in turn, contains seeds for reproduction.

My Fondness For Plants

I am a person who loves gardening. My love for plants is increasing day by day as I get to see these growing. These plants not only give us food but also add to the aesthetics of one's house. When I see those flowers or fruits on the plants, it makes me feel like I’ve forgotten all my worries. Thus I believe, plants have the ability to uplift one’s emotional strength too.

As a child, I went to nurseries with my mother and saw how well taken care of the plants were. It was such a fascinating thing for me that I gradually developed an interest towards plants. Also, being a passionate home cook I love using various kinds of herbs that add a different dimension to the food and also make it prettier.

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