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Essay on My Favourite Festival

Essay on My Favourite Festival

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jul 12, 2023 05:54 PM IST

India is a diverse country with customs, rituals and languages changing every few kilometres. But, Diwali is a festival celebrated all over the country with grandeur. My favourite festival is Diwali. The Diwali festival commemorates Lord Rama's return to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile. Here are a few sample essays on “My Favourite Festival”.

Essay on My Favourite Festival
Essay on My Favourite Festival

100 Words Essay On My Favourite Festival

“Diwali” is a Hindu festival celebrated all over the world. It falls on the “new moon day” of Kartikeya month. It is believed that Lord Rama returned from exile along with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana after defeating Ravana. The people of his kingdom celebrated his victory and homecoming with mirth and merriment. It signifies the victory of good over evil, light over darkness, and wit over ignorance.

Diwali preparations often start a month before the festival. People clean and decorate their houses. Schools and colleges usually close for the five-day festival. People wear new clothes and perform various rituals. Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, is worshipped on this day. Diwali is a time to meet relatives and friends, distribute sweets, and share food. People also celebrate by burning crackers to celebrate Lord Rama’s return and welcome Goddess Lakshmi.

200 Words Essay On My Favourite Festival

My favourite festival is Diwali, also called Deepawali. Diwali is one of the most widely celebrated Indian festivals.

Story Of Diwali | Diwali marks the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya, his home, after 14 years of exile. As per Hindu mythology, Rama was sent to exile along with his wife, Sita, by his father, King Dashratha, on the wish of his wife Kaikeyi. During the period of their exile, Sita was kidnapped by Ravana and taken to Lanka. Rama, along with his brother Lakshman, defeated Ravana and brought Sita back home.

The festival of Diwali, thus, commemorates the victory of Rama over Ravana, or good over evil. It is celebrated in October or November on new moon day. So, the absence of the moon is filled by lighting diyas and candles.

How It Is Celebrated | People buy new clothes, decorate their houses, and distribute gifts and sweets among friends and relatives. Rangolis are made and diyas are lit. Families and friends play cards with each other, cook delicious food and eat together. Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, is worshipped on Diwali. It is a time of joy and glee, and also a chance for people living away from their families to reunite with them.

500 Words Essay On My Favourite Festival

Diwali is also called “Deepawali”. “Deep” literally translates to “Diyas” or little earthen lamps. So, the term Deepawali means an array of diyas put together. It is celebrated in the autumn season and falls in October or November. It symbolises the victory of good over evil. Diwali is a 5-day festival filled with joy, laughter, love and positivity.

Significance Of Diwali

In India, Diwali has been celebrated for the last 2500 years. This was first celebrated when Lord Rama returned to his kingdom Ayodhya after 14 years of exile. He was accompanied by his wife Sita and younger brother Lakshmana. There they together faced many challenges and difficulties.

Mythology says that Ravana tricked Sita and kidnapped her, taking her to Sri Lanka. Rama and Lakshmana along with others went to Lanka to save Sita. It is believed that they had to tread through a long and challenging journey. They had to fight a long and rigorous battle to defeat the ten-headed demon, Ravana. Hence, the festival of Diwali symbolises the victory of good over evil.

Traditions And Customs

People celebrate Diwali by lighting their houses, and decorating them with diyas and candles. Beautiful and intricate designs of rangoli are made at the entrances of homes. It is a time for people to get together with their families and friends, and make memories. On the day of Diwali, pooja is performed in the evening, followed by the lighting of fireworks. The 5-day festival starts with Naraka Chaturdashi and culminates with Bhai Dooj.

How I Celebrated Last Year

Last year, we celebrated Diwali at my native place. All my uncles, aunts and our family gathered at my grandparents’ house. We reached there a day before.

My grandfather distributed the tasks equally. Elders were assigned the cleaning of the house while we, kids, were asked to make rangolis and decorate the house.

Get Togethers | In the evening, we performed a pooja together and then went to the common space in the village where we met my grandparents’ neighbours. We all made merry as we exchanged sweets and had dinner together.

Visit To Orphange | I and my cousins slept with my grandparents in the living room. Our grandparents told us the stories of how they celebrated Diwali in olden times. The next day, we decided to go to an orphanage and donate clothes and food. We watched a newly- released movie together. On the third day, everybody was sad as it was time to return to routine.

We all had a great time. It was especially enlightening for my younger cousins since they experienced how it was to live in a joint family for the first time. The smile that emerged on their faces as they received gifts and cash from all the elders was worth a sight.

Things We Should Take Care Of

Needless to say, Diwali is a time of gaiety and celebration for a lot us. But keeping in mind certain things as we welcome the festival would ensure that the underprivileged and voiceless are also able to make joy during the festive time.

  • We should keep a check on the amount of crackers we burn since they pollute the environment. Also, it might be tough for people with any respiratory issues to cope. Crackers are also a threat to stray animals.

  • Instead of buying decorative items and household stuff imported from other countries, if we stick to buying domestically-manufactured items, small and medium businessmen will also be able to make the most of Diwali.

  • Helping the needy never harms. During the festival time, when the privileged lot is celebrating, they should also make an effort to share their happiness with those in need.

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