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Essay on Internet

Essay on Internet

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 14, 2023 11:25 AM IST

We live in a world where everything happening around us has come to be dependent on the internet. Anything that we want to know is not just a click away. The Internet, sometimes also called the "Net", is a worldwide system of computer networks. It is used by many as the primary source of information consumption and has fueled the growth of social media and content sharing. Here are a few sample essays on the topic ‘Internet’.

Essay on Internet
Essay on Internet

100 Words Essay on Internet

The Internet is considered the greatest invention of human history that has changed the daily lifestyle of human beings. The Internet was first officially launched on January 1, 1983, and since then it has been developed rapidly. The Internet is an incredible medium for the transfer of data, news, images, information etc.Internet has made it easier for people to talk to anyone around the globe via phone calls and video calls in a matter of seconds.

The internet became a crucial part of every field whether it is medicine, engineering, research,. It also gained huge momentum in the field of education during the pandemic. Students were unable to go to school because of COVID-19 pandemic and it was only because of the internet that the students were connected to the teachers. Information technology is gaining a huge momentum day by day and the internet is the foundation of this cutting-edge time.

200 Words Essay on Internet

The father of the internet is known to be Vint Cerf. In 1969, he successfully connected a few computers in a room and named that network ARPAnet since he was the governor of ARPA (Advance Research Project Agency), a government-funded organisation.

The Internet has become a necessity for school students, college students, working men and women, etc. With the help of the internet, we can gather information about any place on this globe within seconds and without leaving our home. Today most of the work is handled through the internet and most workers work just by sitting in their homes with the help of the internet.

The Internet is an important asset for everyone and it is beneficial for them but at the same time. Although, excessive use of the internet may be harmful also because as technology is progressing, the rate of cybercrime is also increasing day by day. Anyone on the internet may become the target of cybercriminals. Students also become the targets sometimes because their private information can be released on the internet and as a result, students face a lot of distress. As long as we follow proper guidelines for the use of the internet we will remain safe.

500 Words Essay on Internet

We live in the era of technology and the internet is the one that binds every technology together and it is further advancing day by day. We can’t think of living without an internet connection for a single day. The internet has billions of uses nowadays, just a single click can access any information in this world. It has made human life very simple and easier. The internet has connected every small device. We can control the air conditioner, washing machine, television, lighting, etc from any corner of the world with the help of the internet.

Internet in Education

Education is a necessity of every human being and it became a lot easier with the use of the internet. During the pandemic, the internet played a crucial role in the continuation of education of the students for the whole two years. Students can gain any knowledge with the help of the internet and can also learn from the teacher of their own choice. The Internet is so developed in the field of education to an extent where an AI is capable of solving any doubts of students.

The internet is an important asset for students but at the same time, it can also harm them or misguide them from their path. If students don't pay attention to their online security, they risk being the target of cyberbullies.

Internet in Business

As agriculture is known as the backbone of the Indian economy, the entrepreneur is also known as the heart of the economy. Every country is investing in business for their profits and the internet plays an essential role in it. The internet records everything happening in business and with the help of that data, businessmen understand the situation of the market. People invest in their businesses using the internet and control their work just by sitting on their chairs and it is possible because of the internet.

Internet in Defence

The Internet is also playing an important role in the defence sector of every country. The Internet connects all government agencies across the globe and helps to maintain peace. It saves a lot of time because any little issue between the countries can be solved just at their offices through video conferencing. Defence satellites work all time and keep eye on enemy activities and transmit them to the defence sector. Even the armoury can also be remotely accessed with the internet which can save the life of the soldiers in harsh weather conditions or the areas where troops can’t go in case of emergencies.

Use of Internet in Daily Life

  • People travel from one place to another for various purposes and in some cases, they are not aware of the geography of the locality due to which they got lost but with the use of the internet they can reach the destination without any problem.

  • With the use of the internet, students can solve their doubts within minutes or seconds.

  • The Internet connects family members even if they are not living together.

  • The Internet is an important source of entertainment for humans, like watching movies, news web series, cartoons, anime.

  • In the police department, the internet is used to catch cybercriminals.

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