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Essay On Games

Essay On Games

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 13, 2023 04:59 PM IST

Games are a crucial component of one’s childhood. Games are a fun and easy way to learn life skills, team spirit, build relationships, make friends, and important enough, have fun. Games give kids a respite from their regular study schedules. Kids who play games are found to be more focused, physically strong and resilient, less stressed, and develop teamwork skills. Below are a few sample essays on ‘Games’.

100 Words Essay On Games

Games are an essential and effective way for children to learn life skills like team spirit, leadership, relationship-building, as well as hone mental skills like problem-solving and decision-making.

Kids who spend a lot of time indoors need indoor games. Playing these activities has various advantages, including strengthening a child's vision and memory. These abilities also aid them in the classroom.

Playing outdoors brings its own advantages for children. It exposes kids to nature, which is beneficial to their physical, social, and emotional health. A great way to socialise, make new acquaintances, and get outside the house is to play some outdoor games. Children must be physically active to maintain good health. Outdoor games assist kids in gaining abilities in flexibility, problem-solving, teamwork, communication, cooperation, and physical activity.

200 Words Essay On Games

For a childhood to be complete and fulfilling, it must include an adequate amount of play. As the famous saying goes – “All Work And No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy”. Here are a few reasons why games are essential for children.

Relaxing And Having Fun | When not studying, playing games is a great way to unwind. It is also a surefire way to brighten a child’s day if they’re feeling a low or lethargic. Playing games together with family or friends is a common and effective way to spend quality time with each other. Playing indoor games like Monopoly, Ludo, badminton, and outdoor games like volleyball is a good way to bond with near and dear ones.

Keeps Mentally Sharp | Games help children sharpen their minds, regardless of whether they are board games or outdoor sports. Players’ thought and creativity are typically required in most games. Playing games help kids develop important mental skills like problem-solving, decision-making, logical reasoning, and so on.

Exercise | Some games may demand both mental and physical effort from us. We might need to utilise complex logic to prevail in some games, like chess. The fact that most games entail some type of activity is one element that is constant, regardless of what is expected of the players. Regularly playing outdoor sports helps children to remain physically healthy as well, including maintaining optimum body weight, proper digestion, and the like.

500 Words Essay On Games

Everyday activities like sports and games can help us build a healthy immune system and an effective brain. My parents have always pushed me to take part in sports and games. My parents think that while sports give me a break from my daily routine, they also have other, more significant advantages.

Adding Spark In Life

Sports, both indoor and outdoor, are fantastic leisure activities. I feel incredibly energised and happy after a little run in the field or a quick chess game with my father. It minimises the drowsiness I get after a long, challenging day. Additionally, keeping my mind alert has some beneficial consequences for my body. It has frequently been simple for me to put in more significant effort while remaining joyful in my work.

Staying Outdoor Or Indoor?

I have fewer opportunities to go out and play now ever since the Covid-19 pandemic has struck. Another significant issue in my neighbourhood is the lack of spacious parks or playing fields. However, it feels fantastic to play outside whenever I have the chance. I have the opportunity to socialise with other children of my age. I also adore how green it is there.

Indoor games are another thing I enjoy because they provide immediate enjoyment. They are also simple to get to. For entertainment, there are many board games in my room. These include Monopoly and Ludo. But I also enjoy puzzles and cognitive games like Sudoku. In addition, occasionally, my mother gives me a brief window of time to use her smartphone.

What Does My Doctor Say?

I'm strongly encouraged to get outside and play by my family doctor. He would ask me to go to the rooftop and do spot jogging or play handball with my family even when there was a lockdown. He claims that our stay requires a little amount of sunshine each day.

Spending an hour outside on a bike or balloon is a wonderfully fun exercise. Additionally, I frequently find new games to play alone or with companions outside. My pals dubbed me creative.

My Favourite Games

I have no particular favourite game. I enjoy climbing trees outside. I always hunt for fresh trees to climb whenever I visit a new garden, park, or other rural location. I also enjoy playing cricket with my mates along the road. It's fun to watch the cricket matches that are shown on TV.

I also enjoy playing games with others that are entertaining. An example is the classic game of hide-and-seek with its variations. We would occasionally count to 100 and other times to 10. We periodically kept a home base where we could play tag and run. I enjoy playing charades and chess even while I'm with my family.

To conclude, games are an integral part of childhood. Kids who do not play a lot should be encouraged to identify the games they enjoy and engage more in them. Children who play in the sun grow more substantially and have higher amounts of vitamin D. Games are an effective way to keep physically and mentally fit.

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