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Essay on Cyclone

Essay on Cyclone

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jul 10, 2023 04:41 PM IST

Natural calamities destroy human life in large numbers. From floods to cyclones, various natural calamities have been seen destroying the lives of hundreds. A cyclone is a mass of air that rotates inwards. Cyclones are of different types. Below are a few sample essays on ‘Cyclone’.

100 Words Essay on Cyclone

Cyclones are the movements of winds that are irregular and involve closed air circulating a low-pressure centre. The process through which cyclones are formed and intensified is known as cyclogenesis. Cyclones are accompanied by destructive and violent disturbances such as torrential rainfall and heavy squalls. However destructive cyclones prove to be of geographical importance which helps in various ways. Cyclones help in levelling down pressure inequalities and wind movements over the globe. They also play a significant role in the process of heat exchange between various latitudinal zones. Cyclones are characterised by the presence of an anticyclone between two of them. Depending on various factors cyclones are classified into tropical or temperate cyclones.

200 Words Essay on Cyclone

The term ‘cyclone’ was coined by Henry Piddington, who published 40 papers that dealt with storms in Calcutta between 1836 to 1855. These papers were published in the journal of the Asiatic Society. The term cyclone means “the coil of a snake”. Even though cyclones vary in their types yet there are a few characteristics common to all. This common characteristic is – all cyclones occur in low-pressure areas. They work on the ‘Coriolis Effect’. The Coriolis Effect is where a mass when rotating in a circular movement experiences a force on itself. This force is perpendicular to the axis of rotation and the direction of motion.

Types of Cyclones

Types of cyclones include tropical and temperate cyclones.

Tropical Cyclones | These cyclones have a thermal origin. They develop in specific seasons over the seas. This is because in tropical sea locations there exist local conventional currents which acquire whirling movements. This whirling movement is the cause of the Coriolis effect caused due to the rotation of the earth. The ideal conditions in which tropical cyclones develop are high temperatures and quiet air.

Temperate Cyclones | These are also called ‘wave cyclones’, and are not heat-dependent but rather they are active in mid-latitude regions. They arise in the regions between 35 latitudes and 65 latitudes in both hemispheres.

Cyclones are natural calamities that bring along the destruction of property and human life.

500 Words Essay on Cyclone

Irregular wind movements characterised by closed-air movements are termed cyclones. The main cause behind cyclones to occur is the Earth’s rotation and atmospheric disturbances. In weather systems, ‘cyclone’ is a general term used when we see the inward movements of winds in an area of low atmospheric pressure. The major types of cyclones include tropical and temperate cyclones.

Significance of Cyclones

The cyclones level down the inequalities of pressure around the globe. They also play a significant role in complex processes where heat exchange is involved. Apart from this, cyclones also have a part to play in precipitation in the mid-latitude regions.

Cyclone Vs Tornado

Cyclones and tornadoes may appear the same to people but they are different from one another:-

  • Where cyclones are defined by the rapid circulation of air masses, tornadoes are defined as air columns rotating at destructively high speeds.

  • Cyclones appear in tropical regions, specifically islands, whereas tornadoes have been spotted in all the continents in the world except Antarctica.

  • Types of cyclones include tropical and temperate whereas types of tornadoes include multiple vortexes, daredevil, waterspout, and more.

My Experience of a Cyclone

Recently, the eastern part of India saw a landslide that was caused by cyclone Amphan. Technology has advanced to extreme levels and thus the meteorological departments were aware of the impending danger before it knocked on our doors. This proved to be of great advantage because the government was able to evacuate 3 million people before the tragedy could strike.

In the path of this cyclone fell the states of Odisha, West Bengal, and parts of Bangladesh. I am a resident of Kolkata. Amphan was a strong cyclone that weakened due to the landfall but still, it affected various areas which were densely populated. Cyclones have become common due to the rise in global temperature and have brought along the destruction of life and property. I had a relative who lived in Odisha whom I lost a year before due to another cyclone that had weakened by the time it hit Kolkata. This year, Amphan was nothing but an example of how to see death up close.

The Terror I Experienced

It started raining right on the evening of 19th May. The winds were strong and the weather was cool. I had a peaceful sleep unaware of what was to strike the next day. The next morning it was incessantly raining and it only increased by mid-day. The winds were also taking a devil’s shape striking the huge coconut trees and swinging them back and front. Suddenly, the lights went off and the neighbouring areas were darkened. I noticed that the trees were shaking violently. The windows made a screeching sound and it seemed like they would break off any moment.

It was nothing but a horror movie scene. I was shaken from within and a tree fell on our home window, breaking it. The glass pieces pierced my skin and I started crying. My phone was out of network, darkness all around, and all I could think of trying to escape. I slept crying and the next morning everything seemed calmer than the previous day. It took days for the situation to come under and the incident left me traumatised.

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