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Beauty of Nature Essay

Beauty of Nature Essay

Edited By Shireen Dargan | Updated on Jul 10, 2023 04:15 PM IST

Our physical and emotional senses are soothed by the vastness and beauty of nature. Nature's beauty has an infinite, everlasting, and immortal existence. The sunrise and sunset are two of nature's many stunning features. The beauty of nature is a perfect reflection of the art of God. Here are a few sample essays on the beauty of nature:

100 Words Essay on Beauty of Nature

The most beautiful creation of God that exists all around us is nature, which is seen as being essence of everything. Water, air, plants, and many other things have been given to us by nature so that we can survive on this earth. A person with a sense of beauty will never be able to overlook the splendour of the twinkling stars and the crimson light of the rising sun. The beauty of nature has inspired many artistic people to compose verses of praise, show their creative side with paints and brushes, write beautiful prose and capture the beauty of nature with a camera forever.

200 Words Essay on Beauty of Nature

Nature is diverse—a treasure that will always exist is the beauty of nature. Many beautiful living things are among the countless riches of beauty that nature has to offer. Millions of different species in every size, colour, and habitat—on land, in the sky, and in the water—abound in the world of birds, animals, reptiles, and fish. They are present all the time and everywhere. They enhance the surroundings by only being there. Because God gave everything on earth a purpose and an order, nature is a special blessing to us.

Nature and Air Pollution

Mother Nature is responsible for our very existence as humans, but we don't seem to recognise this unique truth or show her any respect. Instead we are polluting and ruining our environment. Use of natural resources increases as the population grows. Coal and petroleum are in greater demand due to the growing manufacturing sector, however they pollute the air. The air we breathe has been tainted by smoke released from industries and automobiles. We must plant more trees if we want to lessen the impact of harmful air pollutants such as carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, etc. Mother Nature is constantly being abused by mankind, who don't even consider the repercussions.

500 Words Essay on Beauty of Nature

Nature has rivers, sparkling valleys, enormous mountains, blue oceans, white skies, the sun, the rain, and the moon, and the list is endless. All of these things are in some way organised and have a function in life. Despite all this, we are still doing activities that are not only harmful but can cause real devastation to nature all around.

Nature and Its Seasons

The beauty of the changing seasons has captivated people's attention for millennia and will do so till the end of time. Unquestionably the queen of the seasons, spring is the most beautiful of them all. The planet is awash in vibrant colours, luxuriant plants, and aromas during this time. Autumn's colours are golden, brown, and mature. A life that started in the spring matures in the fall. A season that aids in ripening is summer. The most delicious fruits and vegetables are only some of its many charms and beauties. Winters in nature are beautiful because of the crisp sky and the snow-capped mountains.

Enjoy Nature

We can all appreciate nature's beauty as we perceive it. You could either go for an early-morning stroll or an evening jog, both of which would put you in close proximity to nature and allow you to take in its beauty. Visit beaches, hill towns, and far-off locales with your friends and family to take in the breathtaking dawn or sunset.

How to Preserve Nature

Conserving our natural resources is really needed so that future generations can appreciate and enjoy them as well. To stop this ongoing process of destruction, we must raise people's awareness. To ensure a nation's progress while not endangering the environment, human activities must be carried out in a sustainable manner. It is crucial to realise that we shouldn't abuse some of god-greatest nature's blessings. Here are a few ways that you can conserve nature,

  • 3 R’s | Reduce your consumption, reuse what you can, and recycle instead of throwing away.

  • Volunteer | Volunteer for cleanups in your community.

  • Educate | Help others understand the importance and value of our natural resources.

  • Conserve water | The less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater that eventually end up in the ocean.

  • Save Electricity | Switch off lights and fans when you leave the room.

  • Plant Trees | Trees provide food and oxygen. They help save energy, clean the air, and help combat climate change.

My Trip to a Hill Station

I went to a beautiful hill station in the middle of the summer holidays with my family. The scenic views along the route kept me amused despite the lengthy trip. As we climbed higher, I could see dense trees and foggy mountains. I was also mesmerised by the curving roads, which made me feel as though I had stepped into another realm. I fell in love with nature as soon as we arrived since it had been kept in its natural state, complete with fresh, fragrant flowers of all types, a mild atmosphere, and lush vegetation. As I wandered amidst this beautiful landscape, I realised that all of my troubles had vanished. I felt so refreshed, calm and happy.

Everything we do is dependent on the natural world. We entirely rely on water, air, and fire for our life. The natural resources and the beauty of nature provides a sense of comfort to us.

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