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Aim in Life Essay

Aim in Life Essay

Edited By Shireen Dargan | Updated on Feb 13, 2023 06:02 PM IST

As children grow and develop their understanding of the world, they also formulate their own aims and goals. Our aims in life may differ from each other and we may create our definitions of success and happiness. Having an aim in life gives us a direction to walk on and work towards. Below are some sample essays on “Aim in Life”.

Aim in Life Essay
Aim in Life Essay

100 Words Essay on Aim in Life

My aim in life is to be mentally and physically healthy, and happy. Everyday, I wake up early, meditate, and then do yoga. Yoga and meditation bring a sense of stability in my life. After doing yoga, I make myself a cup of tea and make a list of all that I have to do in a day. This gives a structure to my forthcoming day and I am able to delegate appropriate time to each task. I believe that if I’m happy, and mentally and physically healthy, I will be able to do well in my studies and achieve more, academically and professionally.

200 Words Essay on Aim in Life

If we don't have an aim in life, we won't know where to go and how to get there. People, sometimes, also choose their aims or goals by drawing inspiration from others around them like parents, instructors, and family members. While you are in school, setting objectives and making a plan for the future is a wise decision.

My aim in life is to become a doctor one day. I come from a medical background, and like my mother, I want to work in neurosurgery. My desire to become a doctor and my interest in the medical field is what motivates me to work harder in school. From understanding how a single cell works to how the brain works is intriguing to me. In order to pursue my goal of becoming a doctor and a neurosurgeon, I want to work harder and do better in the subjects of biology, chemistry, physics, arithmetic, and psychology.

If I am able to achieve my goal of becoming a doctor, I would like to set up my own hospital at some point, where I would also treat underprivileged people free of cost. I wish to contribute to the healthcare sector of our country and also seek blessings of people for helping them get rid of diseases. I am confident and hopeful that one day I will achieve my aim of becoming a successful doctor.

500 Words Essay on Aim in Life

"To aim" refers to an aspiration. Generally speaking, the word "aim" denotes a purpose or objective. Having an aim shapes a person’s life and gives it meaning. For example, a preschooler may aspire to become a well-known astronaut, a celebrity, security officer, or anything that seems fascinating to them at that age. Every goal frequently begins with a target, which is then broken down into more manageable chunks over a certain length of time and achieving it requires overcoming several challenges and some setbacks as well.

How to Achieve an Aim in Life

Selecting the appropriate goal according to your abilities will enable you to steer your life in the proper direction. Here are 5 steps on how to achieve your aim in life

  • Decide. Consider a goal you wish to pursue. It doesn't matter how big or small it is; decide where you want to see yourself in the future.

  • Put it in writing. The likelihood of achieving your goal increases when you put it in writing. Put a deadline as to when you want to achieve this goal. Rather simply saying, "I want to do," explain your objective in precise terms and timeframes, such as, "I want to plant lettuce and the vacant spot in my garden by the end of May."

  • Break down your goal. This is especially important for big goals. Consider the little objectives that will help you reach your main objective. We can be more precise if we divide things. Take the case of wanting to stay fit. Here, a more manageable objective may be to "start running everyday."

  • Plan your first step. The first step in the scenario above is to consider routinely going for runs. According to an old Chinese saying, the journey of 1000 miles starts with one step. Even if walking 1,000 miles isn't your ultimate aim, planning your first step can actually help you get going.

  • Keep going. Sometimes achieving our objectives might be challenging, but we must persist. Think of a different step you could take if the one you're currently taking isn't moving you forward, even just a little. It increases our chances of success if we consider several strategies for achieving our goals.

My Aim of Life

My aim in life is to become a teacher, and inspire young minds. Education is an expanding sector that gives a person the power to change the world. A teacher is like a potter that moulds children to find their identity as individuals. Willian Arthur Ward once said that an unexceptional teacher teaches, a good teacher explains thoroughly, a superior teacher performs demonstrations, while the most excellent teacher inspires young minds.

Why I Want To Be A Teacher | I sometimes wonder why I aspire to become a teacher, and realise that the choice emanated from my life experiences. Since childhood I have seen my mother going to school and influencing every child by helping them become a better version of themselves. My goal as a teacher is to influence every student to achieve success in life and provide them with knowledge to survive through the challenges of life. I aim to help every growing student and influence them to contribute to society’s upliftment.

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