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Actions Speak Louder Than Words Essay

Actions Speak Louder Than Words Essay

Edited By Shireen Dargan | Updated on Jul 05, 2023 12:47 PM IST

The true determining factor in a word is action, which supports what you say you are going to do. It is said that wise people prefer to talk less and do more. Be it fulfilling a commitment or expressing our feelings to someone who is dear to us, actions are believed to convey more than words, and hence, the proverb “Actions Speak Louder Than Words”. Here are sample essays on “Actions Speak Louder Than Words”.

100 Words Essay On Actions Speak Louder Than Words

"Action speaks louder than words" is an old saying. The expression emphasises that actions have a greater influence on people than words. When committing to something, be it completing a task in school, or taking up a household responsibility - it is important to show your dedication through your actions rather than using impressive statements. For instance, a lot of people take New Year Resolutions like going on a fitness regime, being more attentive towards studies, earning more money, and so on. But, unless these New year resolutions are supported by actions, they would be hollow and seem like they lack meaning.

200 Words Essay On Actions Speak Louder Than Words

The proverb ‘Action speaks louder than words’ was used by a well-known parliamentarian, John Pym, during the English Civil War. He meant that there is no need to shout strong words especially when action can do the work better.

The traditional saying, "Action speaks louder than words," means that it is a person's behaviour that truly tells you everything you need to know about them. Statements are just words that everyone can hear, however action is described as the labour we do that is visible to everyone. The proverb most importantly implies that people are more likely to believe what you do than what you say. Dedicated actions bring desired outcomes, while boastful words may not always produce outcomes. If those statements are not supported by actions, they are meaningless.

For instance, if your actions are at odds with your statements, your words are meaningless. This proverb seeks to convey the idea that our deeds bring us better outcomes and take us closer to our goals than merely expressing intention through words does. People always believe those who actually accomplish something rather than those who just say they will. While talking may provide short-term gratification, only appropriate action can foster long-term respect and trust.

500 Words Essay On Actions Speak Louder Than Words

The proverb “action speaks louder than words” is a valuable life lesson. An action strongly correlates with what one wants and believes. Actions certainly speak the truth. It is much easier to lie with your words than with your actions. You can say anything without believing strongly in it.

You may achieve your goals in life when you stop talking and take action. Words rarely have the same impact as actions. Anyone can say anything; it is not at all a difficult effort. But putting what you said into practice requires a great deal of bravery. Therefore, it is always preferable to act first and speak later. Conquer, then announce your victory. Recalling that effort matters more than promises gives a better understanding of how action speaks louder than words.

If you perform your actions dedicatedly, others will see that you are capable of doing what you say, they will respect you, which will lead to more mutual trust. One reason is that words can be easily misinterpreted. For example, if someone says they are going to do something, the other person may not understand what they mean. However, if the person sees that the other person is actually doing something, they will know what they are trying to say.

Doing more and saying less also facilitates trust in any relationship. Trust is crucial in all kinds of relationships. No relationship can endure without trust. It's simple to establish trust by communicating with your teachers and peers about what you will do and actually doing it.

How I Realised ‘Actions Speak Louder Than Words’

I had two friends at school- Neha and Aastha. Both of them had always told me that they are there for me whenever I would need help. When I was faced with an emergency at home and could not attend school, I asked both of them to explain to me the homework that was assigned for the day. Neha said she would not be able to help me since it was my fault that I was absent from school, while Aastha helped me explain each and every subject studied that day in detail and explained the homework to me. Even though Neha said she would help me, her actions stated otherwise. That was when I realised that I could trust only my Aastha and not Neha despite her initial promise of being there to help me. From then on, I nurtured my friendship with Aastha and we remain best friends till date.

It's good to limit what you say to what you can truly do. Only your actions should be the endorsement for your words. Never employ empty words if you are unsure that you can carry them out via your actions; doing so will earn you the ire and scorn of others. Act wisely and say less. Work diligently in silence and let your success speak for itself. Keep in mind that hard work is only feasible when you take initiative. It is true that "Action Speaks Louder Than Words" is a vital life lesson!

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