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Welcome Speech For College Function - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Welcome Speech For College Function - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 10, 2023 10:59 AM IST

Welcome Speech For College Function

At the event's start, the show's host will give a welcome speech and thank the guests for attending the event. A welcome speech should make everyone in attendance feel that more has happened because of their presence. Such a speech sets the mood, so the speaker should address the audience in a welcoming and warm-hearted spirit. The speaker should be engaging, and the words should be pleasing. The goal is for the audience to hear with all ears right from the start.

Welcome Speech For College Function - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech
Welcome Speech For College Function - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

10 Lines On Welcome Speech For College Function

  1. Welcome teachers, parents and our dear students to Kalinga Institute Of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar on our 50th annual college function.

  2. Today with full pomp and gaiety we welcome you all for celebrating with us the 25th annual college function with the presence of our honourable founder Dr Achutya Samantha sir.

  3. Today is the day to award awards and medals to all children who have been recognized for their talents throughout the year and have demonstrated their skills in various competitions at the school or inter-school level.

  4. With that, I request our founder sir to kindly light the candle and start the function.

  5. The whole educational process is incomplete without developing their talents. Once a year, we recognize this need and have designed our annual program to ensure that skills such as the arts are noticed.

  6. We all have been waiting for this day as on this day the students of KIIT display their enormous talents in front of us.

  7. Students have worked really hard in the last few months to celebrate our 50th college function.

  8. Our tireless efforts to consistently deliver superior performance have yielded great results.

  9. We won't keep you waiting. We leave behind a colourful and vibrant stage that fills us with laughter and fun.

  10. I won't keep you waiting. It leaves a colourful and vibrant stage filled with laughter and fun.

Short Welcome Speech For College Function

Serving over 27,000 students through 19 schools, our college KIIT university was established in the year 1992. KIIT exists thanks to the vision of its founder, Professor Achyuta Samanta. He had no state and limited finances. In addition to global recognition and educational excellence, KIIT offers the best possible academic and non-academic development and empowerment, enabling them to become global citizens and make a difference in the global workplace.

About The Day

I hope you are all looking forward to the beautiful performances of our dear students. This day is special for all founders and people involved with this Institute. Today marks the 25th year, and 24 years have ended successfully. It feels like it was yesterday that we started this venture, but today we can proudly say that our Institute has reached great heights.

About The Institute

The Institute was established to provide quality education to students and help them achieve their career goals. Over the past 25 years, we have been honoured to have adhered to our principles and provided our students with a quality education and a friendly environment.

Therefore, to celebrate our victories and recognize the hard work of our students, we have celebrated our annual event with great enthusiasm and show. Everyone, from administration to students, is looking forward to this auspicious day when the entire institute unit will come together to celebrate the success of our Institute.

Long Welcome Speech For College Function

It is my great honour to have the opportunity to address you at this critical time as we celebrate our 23rd college annual day today. I am honoured to give a welcome speech at this annual college event of our esteemed college, KIIT University.

About The Institute

Founded in 1992 and opened five years later as a centre for higher education, KIIT is now one of the most prestigious universities in India. His commitment to excellence in education led to the awarding of university status by the Government Human Resources Development Office under Section 3 of the UGC Act of 1956. Established in India in 2004 and based in just seven years. KIIT is relatively young, but we value excellence and ambition. The contributions of KIIT faculty, staff, students, and alumni are recognized nationally and internationally.

Talking about today- children are the future of our country and nation. They can grow up to achieve great success, fame, and high human values. Education does not take place within the four walls of a classroom. You are lucky to have teachers and trainers who recognize this. Indeed, one of the joys of teaching is unleashing creativity, academics, and athleticism in students.

About The Chiefguest

Today we all gather here on this annual day to inspire young minds to display their talents. This is a significant opportunity for everyone. That being said, the celebration highlights the college’s continued success in education. And this platform is also an opportunity to say hello to tonight's primary guest.

I, [Name] of Grade XII (B), am pleased to moderate today's program which I am sure you all are looking forward to. This event is a valid showcase of the achievements and talents of this school and is decidedly unique. We are also very proud to welcome Ms [ name] as the primary guest at our school closure celebration.

Her achievements in the field of science are admirable, and I am impressed by her dedication to working for the advancement of vulnerable groups, especially disadvantaged children. Madam, we are genuinely fascinated by your personality. Like you, I sincerely hope we will make your country proud through your noble deeds. I am delighted. We are sure that you will have the best time here.

These students are the epitome of talent and creativity. Whether we are talking about sports, dancing, singing, etc., our college keeps up, and our students do it all year after year. Our students have worked hard for their achievements. I wish them the best in their efforts today. Our Principal, Vice Principal and teachers are proud to have received awards and rewards from outside the school. The zone has represented educational institutions at various levels across the country.

An awards ceremony will be held at the end to recognize and celebrate the efforts of those who contributed in some way to the school, as well as some spectacular performances by the students. Their actions should not go unnoticed. It is time to celebrate their victories and the endless glory of our school.

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