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Table of 204

Table of 204

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 31, 2023 12:42 PM IST


The values obtained from the number 204's repeated addition are provided in the table of 204. You can also create the 204 times table by multiplying 204 by natural numbers. The 204 table makes it simple for students to calculate numerical simplifications that contain multiples of 204.

What is the 204 multiplication table?

204s multiplication table helps us to calculate sums easily and increases the ability to solve problems quickly by memorising them.


204 + 204 = 408

204 + 204 + 204 = 612

204 + 204 + 204 + 204 = 816

204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 = 1020

204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 = 1224

204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 = 1428

204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 = 1632

204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 = 1836

204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 + 204 = 2040

2. Table of 204



















































3. 5 Solved Questions

Q1. Calculate the sum of 6 x 204 and 4 x 204.

Ans: 6 times 204 = 6 x 204 = 1224

4 times 204 = 4 x 204 = 816

6 \times 204+4 \times 204=2040


As a result, 2040 is the value of 6 times 204 plus 4 times 204.

Q2. The cost of one chocolate box is Rs 204. Find the cost of 5 such boxes.

Ans: One chocolate box costs Rs. 204.

5 of these boxes cost 1020 dollars, or 5 x 204.

5 chocolate boxes therefore cost Rs. 1020.

Q3. Every day, Elisa runs four miles. Calculate the total number of miles she ran in two days using the tables from 2 to 100.

Ans: Every day, Elisa runs four miles.

The total number of miles that Elisa ran in two days is calculated using the tables from number 2 to number 100 as follows:

4 ×2 = 8 miles.

4 \times 2=8


Q4. How many groups can be formed from 70 individuals if each group consists of 10 individuals?

Ans: There are 70 people.

There are 10 individuals in each group.

Group count = 70/10 = 7

Q5. What does 204 multiplied by 15 equal?

Ans: Using the 204 table, 204 multiplied by 15 equals 204 x 15 = 3060.

As a result, 204 multiplied by 15 equals 3060.

204 \times 15=3060


4. Why Learn Multiplication?

(i) Multiplication Facts Are a Stepping Stone in Mathematics

Similar to building a house, you need a solid foundation to develop math skills that will stand the test of time. Multiplication is one of those fundamental math concepts that must be mastered before moving on to more difficult math lessons, along with addition and subtraction. Around the time they start learning long division, students who lack this solid foundational knowledge frequently start to struggle.

Math is sequential, and its ideas are built upon one another, as we have previously discussed in other posts. Learning new concepts becomes challenging without a strong foundation in fundamental math facts.

(ii) Knowing Your Material by Heart Is a Confidence Builder

Students who have not mastered multiplication facts find it increasingly difficult to complete math problems as they move on to more challenging ones. Your student may lose confidence in their ability to learn and be successful in maths if these facts are not present in their knowledge base due to the ongoing struggle and frustration.

(ii) Knowing Your Information Keeps You Focused

I believe that we can all relate to a scenario in which we are working to solve a challenging issue when we reach a point where we are simply mentally exhausted and need to take a break. We have used up all of our mental capacity and are no longer focused on finding a solution. The same thing can happen to students as they learn new math concepts. Your student will frequently need to stop working on a math problem and redirect their mental effort to calculating a fact.

(iv) Real-World Applications of Multiplication

The Babylonians, who used these tables to facilitate their building and trade, are credited with inventing multiplication tables more than 4,000 years ago.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Give some real-life applications of multiplication

A typical illustration is tripling or doubling a recipe. To make a double batch of brownies, how many cups or tablespoons are required?

• You've set up 6 tables, each of which can accommodate 6 people. How many people can you comfortably invite to sit down?

• Chores and screen time: You get five minutes of screen time for each chore you finish. How much screen time have you accumulated since you finished your three chores on Wednesday?

It's your turn to bring a snack to soccer practice; there are 8 players on the team. Each participant will receive a juice, a piece of fruit, and something sweet (3 items). What number of items must you bring to practice?

2. Why is 204 a special number?

204 can be stacked in a pyramid with a base that is an 8 by 8 square, making it a square pyramidal number. The fourth square triangular number is its square, which is 2042 = 41616. In addition to being a nonagonal number and a truncated triangular pyramid number, 204 is a figurate number. The Mian-Chowla sequence contains 204.

3. At what age do children start learning math?

  In the second grade, children begin learning multiplication, and in the third, they learn division. As time goes on, these mathematical ideas become more complex.

4. What role does multiplication play?

Multiplication is one of the four basic arithmetic operations, along with addition, subtraction, and division. In math, multiply refers to continuously adding sets of identically sized objects.

5. Define the 204-table.

The multiplication table for the number 204 is created by adding it to other numbers. For instance, to multiply 204 by three, we would add 204 three times, yielding 612 or 204 x 3.

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