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Table of 115

Table of 115

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Feb 13, 2023 10:55 AM IST

Introduction :

Repeated addition of the same number is the basic principle of multiplication. Adding the same number 6+6+6=18 can be simplified using multiplication that is 6\times3=18.


The number 115 is a composite number and is also an odd number means that it is not completely divisible by 2. Here, we will look at the table of 115 with some facts like it takes around fifty-seven seconds to count from 1 to 115.

Facts About Number 115

  • 115 has four factors 1, 5, 23, and 115 itself. Factors mean the number which can completely divide a number without any remainder.

  • 115 is not a prime number to be titled as a prime number, the number should only have two factors.

  • One of the factors of 115 i.e 23 is the smallest prime number having consecutive numerals.

Solved Examples

Q1. What is the LCM(Least common multiple) of 7 and 35?

Ans: LCM means the least positive number that is divisible by a given set of numbers.

Here, the factors of 7 are 1 and 7.

And the factors of 35 are 1,7,5 and 35. Now, the LCM of 7 and 35 is 35.

Q2. What will be the cost of 4 cars if each car costs 115 rupees?

Ans: If the price of one car is 115. By using multiplication we can simply find out the price of 4 cars.1675666107473


The total price of four cars will be 460.

Q3. If Rohan is trying to count chalks in 3 boxes and each box contains 15 chalks. What will be the fastest method?

Ans: To count the chalks quickly and accurately, Rohan can simply use multiplication instead of trying to count each chalk. If 1 box has 15 chalks, then 3 boxes will be:-

3\times15=45 1675666107674

There are 45 chalks in total.

Q4: Ajay walks 5 km per day. How many kilometres does he walk in 115 days?

Ans: Number of kilometres Ajay walks in 1 day = 5 km

In 115 days, the number of kilometres he walks will be


Q5. How much money would you save in a month If you save 115 rupees per day?

Ans: There are maximum 31 days in a month and if you save 115 rupees per day then the total savings will be

115\times31=3565 1675666108182

You can save 3,565 rupees per month.

Table of 115

115 × 1



115 × 2



115 × 3



115 × 4



115 × 5



115 × 6



115 × 7



115 × 8



115 × 9



115 × 10



If we use addition:- 115+115+115= 345 and to simplify this we can use multiplication 115\times3=3451675666108415

And we can see the same pattern in the table. Instead of adding the number 115 again and again we can simply multiply it by the number of times we need to add 115.

It is shown in the Times table of 115 given below:

115 × 1 = 115


115 × 2 = 230


115 × 3 = 345


115 × 4 = 460


115 × 5 = 575


115 × 6 = 690


115 × 7 = 805


115 × 8 = 920


115 × 9 = 1035


115 × 10 = 1150


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a square of 115?

The square of number 115 is 13225. Squaring a number means multiplying the number itself and the product we get is the square of the number.

2. What is 115 multiplied by 5?

 155 multiplied by 5 is equal to 575.

3. Is 5 a factor of 115?

Yes, 5 is a factor of 115. As 5 divides 115 evenly and leaves a quotient value of 23  and a remainder of 0, 5 is a factor of 115.

4. How to find the value of 115 times 11?

11 times 115 will be 115\times11=1265 

5. What will be the square root of 115?

Square root if 115 will be 10.72.

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