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Table of 111

Table of 111

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on May 19, 2023 03:57 PM IST


The multiplication table of 111 is unique in the manner that for the multiplication operations with the first 9 natural numbers, it would give the product as the same number written trice. For multiplication of 111 with numbers from 11 to 18, the four-digit product would start with 1 and end with the digit in the one’s place of the number being multiplied with 111. The digits in the hundreds and tens place of the product would be the sum of the digits of the number being multiplied by 111 .111 is written as One Hundred Eleven. In this number, the Hundreds, Tens and One's places are filled by the same number. This number is unique in the manner that you get the same number upon jumbling the numbers. The multiplication table of 111, like that of 11, is easy in the sense that there is a definite pattern in obtaining the product which is explained in the subsequent sections.

This Story also Contains
  1. Introduction:
  2. Importance of Multiplication:
  3. Tricks to Learn Multiplication Table of 111:
  4. Solved Examples:
  5. Times Table of 111
  6. Multiplication Table of 111:
  7. The multiplication table of 111 is written in words below:
Table of 111
Table of 111

Importance of Multiplication:

  • Multiplication is the science of repeated addition.

  • Learning and memorising multiplication tables of higher numbers is helpful in data analytics, modelling and various other fields of science

  • People who can memorise multiplication tables of higher numbers are found to have the ability to understand complex concepts faster than others.

Background wave

Tricks to Learn Multiplication Table of 111:

  • Multiplication table of 111 is the easiest to learn.

  • Multiplying 111 by numbers from 1 to 9 would give a three-digit number with all the digits the same as the number multiplied by 111.

  • Multiplying 111 with numbers from 11 to 18 would give a four-digit number starting with 1 and ending with the number in the one’s place of the number multiplied by 111. For example, 111 ✖13 = 1443. Here the product starts with 1 and ends with 3. The middle digits will be the sum of 1 and 3.

  • These are tricks to learn the multiplication table of 111.

  • One can also learn from practice as well.

Solved Examples:

Q1. What would be the product - 111✖8?

Ans: Write down the product as three times 8. We have 1 in ones, tens and hundreds place of 111. Hence product would have 8 in all the places.

111✖ 8 = 888

Q2. What is the product - 111 ✖ 9 ?

Ans: Write down the product as three times 9. We have 1 in ones, tens and hundreds place of 111. Hence product would have 9 in all the places.

111✖ 9 = 999

Q3. The number of pens in a box is 111 and there are a total of 5 boxes. What is the total number of pens?

Ans: the total number of pens is 111 ✖ 5 = 555.

Q4: A city plan has come up with 111 houses to be built in a 1-acre plot. There are 6 acres of free land. How many houses can be built on the free land?

Ans: The number of houses that can be built is 111✖ 6 = 666.

Q5. A container can fit 111 kg of fish in it. A ship can carry 30 such containers. How much fish can the ship transport?

Ans: The total quantity of fish the ship can transport is: 111kg ✖ 30 containers = 3330 kg of fish.

Times Table of 111

Times table basically represents that when a number n is added to itself ‘m’ times the result is equal to the number as “n ✖ m”, the repeated addition yields the same result as multiplication. It is shown below in the table.

111 × 1 = 111


111 × 2 = 222


111 × 3 = 333


111 × 4 = 444


111 × 5 = 555


111 × 6 = 666


111 × 7 = 777


111 × 8 = 888


111 × 9 = 999


111 × 10 = 1110


Multiplication Table of 111:

  • 111 ✖ 1 = 111

  • 111 ✖ 2 = 222

  • 111 ✖ 3 = 333

  • 111 ✖ 4 = 444

  • 111 ✖ 5 = 555

  • 111✖ 6 = 666

  • 111 ✖ 7 = 777

  • 111✖ 8 = 888

  • 111 ✖ 9 = 999

  • 111✖10 = 1110

  • 111 ✖ 11 = 1221

  • 111 ✖ 12 = 1332

  • 111✖ 13 = 1443

  • 111 ✖14 = 1554

  • 111✖ 15 = 1665

  • 111 ✖ 16 = 1776

  • 111✖17 = 1887

  • 111 ✖ 18 = 1998

  • 111✖ 19 = 2109

  • 111✖ 20 = 2220

The multiplication table of 111 is written in words below:

  • One Hundred And Eleven times One gives One Hundred And Eleven

  • One Hundred And Eleven times Two gives Two Hundred And Twenty-Two

  • One Hundred And Eleven times Three gives Three Hundred And Thirty-Three

  • One Hundred And Eleven times Four gives Four Hundred And Forty-Four

  • One Hundred And Eleven times Five gives Five Hundred And Fifty-Five

  • One Hundred And Eleven times Six gives Six Hundred And Sixty-Six

  • One Hundred And Eleven times Seven gives Seven Hundred And Seventy-Seven

  • One Hundred And Eleven times Eight gives Eight Hundred And Eighty-Eight

  • One Hundred And Eleven times Nine gives Nine Hundred And Ninety-Nine

  • One Hundred And Eleven times Ten gives One Thousand, One Hundred And Ten

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the totient number?

Euler's totient function is defined as the number of positive integers≤ n  that are relatively prime to n, where 1 is counted as being relatively prime to all numbers. Since a number less than or equal to and relative prime to a given number is called a totative, the totient function ɸ (n)  can be simply defined as the number of totatives of n.

2. What is 111 - squared?

111 squared gives 12321.

3. What is “111 times 37”?

111 times 37 gives 4107.

4. What is a palindromic number and can 111 be considered a palindromic number?

A palindromic number is a number (such as 16461) that remains the same when its digits are reversed. Upon reversal of digits, 111 gives the same number and hence it is a palindromic number.

5. What is the cube of 111?

The cube of 111 is 1367631

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