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Speech on Poverty - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Speech on Poverty - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 10, 2023 03:24 PM IST

Speech on Poverty

Poverty is the state of having less income. It is about not having enough money to meet basic needs. Poverty can have different social, political and economic causes and effects. Poverty is considered as one of the main problems of the world. It is because both underemployment and unemployment lie at the core of poverty.

Speech on Poverty - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech
Speech on Poverty - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

10 Lines Speech on Poverty

  1. The income of a person shows their poverty line.

  2. Arranging an everyday meal is very difficult for poor people.

  3. Many students cannot get proper education due to poverty.

  4. It is a major concern in developing countries when compared to developed ones.

  5. It makes the life of people full of pain and misery.

  6. The rising crime rate is also a result of poverty.

  7. The unprecedented growth of the population is another cause.

  8. Poverty can cause many deaths.

  9. It is a serious issue in our country.

  10. Government can help in reducing poverty by putting up many schemes in providing funds to the poor.

Short Speech on Poverty

There is a great saying by Mahatma Gandhi—’Poverty is the worst form of violence’. We are all aware that since money is needed to sustain human life, its lack results in poverty. Therefore, we can conclude that poverty will result in a wide range of issues for people.

A household is said to be in poverty if its fundamental requirements are not met. It consists of housing, food, clothing, and education. Lack of education will result in low literacy rates and unemployment. A person without a job is unable to provide adequate nutritious meals for their family. It causes a deterioration in health. The impoverished will therefore always be poor. Therefore, it is evident that poverty is the root of all issues.

What Poverty Feels Like

It is a physical pain from working long hours and eating little, an emotional pain from being dependent on others, a moral anguish from having to make moral decisions like whether to spend the money to feed their children or to pay to save a sick family member's life.

Measurement Of Poverty

Two metrics of poverty have been developed by the United Nations. There are two types of poverty: absolute poverty and relative poverty. Absolute poverty is used to define poverty in developing nations like India. Here, a poverty line (minimum income level) is established; if a family's daily income falls below this line, they are considered to be poor. Poverty is quantified as relative poverty in developed nations like the USA.

Long Speech on Poverty

Poverty leads to all the sorrows in life. Having poverty is not anyone's cup of tea but yes we are only responsible to make ourselves rich to lead a happy and healthier life.

Causes Of Poverty

There might be many causes of poverty. Here are the major causes listed below.

Inequality | The term "inequality" is used to describe systemic hurdles that prevent some groups of people from having a voice or being represented in their communities. However, it can be deceptive at times. All groups must participate in decision-making for a population to transcend poverty, especially when it comes to having a say in issues that affect your standing in society. Some of them might be plain to see, while in other cases it might be subtle.

Hunger And Malnutrition | You may believe that hunger results from poverty, but hunger also contributes to and sustains poverty. A person won't have the strength and energy they need to work if they don't eat enough or their immune system will weaken from malnutrition and leave them more susceptible to illness that prevents them from getting to work.

Climate Change | Climate change contributes to the cycle of poverty in a number of ways, including by disproportionately harming women, producing refugees, and even influencing conflict. It causes hunger by either too little (drought) or too much (flooding) water.

Education | Not all people without a formal education are in dire straits. However, the vast majority of the very poor lack formal schooling. Around the world, there are various obstacles to education, such as a lack of funding for uniforms and textbooks, prejudice against girls' education, or many of the other factors contributing to poverty that were stated.

Nelson Mandela asserted that poverty is a result of human activity. It is true since the reasons for poverty are typically caused by human activity through population growth. Population growth puts more strain on a nation's finances and resources.

Impact of poverty | Children's health, emotional and cognitive growth, social, behavioural, and educational results are all negatively impacted by poverty. It has an impact on a person's utilities, life, employment, and safe neighbourhoods for learning.

Eradicating Poverty

One of the main reasons to overcome poverty is through equity, education, employment, resilience, ending hunger and poverty alleviation through peace. Being in poverty will affect the next generation. Youth can help to end poverty. Learning how to cultivate food, build things, prepare nutritious meals, create websites, market online, and engage in other forms of production would help in eradication of poverty.

Poverty is a social problem too. A high rate of poverty reduces our nation's economic progress. When a large number of people cannot afford to have basic needs like the purchase of goods and services, economic growth is more difficult to achieve. Poverty even disturbs the socio-economic ladder by producing crime and other social problems. It's not only individuals but also the government that can reduce poverty.

Steps Taken By Government

Following are the steps taken by the government of India to reduce poverty. It is done by increasing economic growth, poverty alleviation, agricultural growth, speedy development of infrastructure and human resource development, the growth of non-farm employment, giving access to assets, giving access to credit, the proper public distribution system and direct attack on poverty.

Some of the plans initiated by the national government to reduce our National Rural Employment Programme ( NREP), Annapurna, Rural Labour Employment Guarantee Programme ( RLEGP ), National Maternity Benefit Scheme ( NMBS ), TRYSEM scheme, National Old Age Pension Scheme ( NOAPS ), Jawahar Rojgar Yojna ( JRY ), Rural Housing Programme, Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Yojna, Food for work programme, Minimum Needs Programme ( MNP ) and many more.

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