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Speech on Mathematics Day for Students - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Speech on Mathematics Day for Students - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Dec 19, 2023 09:43 AM IST

Mathematics day is celebrated on 22nd December in India and 14th March worldwide. This day is celebrated to honour our great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan on his birthday. Srinivasa Ramanujan is a great mathematician and he is celebrated all over the world.

10 Lines Speech on Mathematics Day

  1. In India, December 22nd is celebrated as National Mathematics Day each year.

  2. Srinivasa Ramanujan, a well-known Indian mathematician, was born on this day.

  3. National Mathematics day is celebrated to honour the contributions of Srinivasa Ramanujan in the field of mathematics.

  4. Mathematics day was introduced on December 26, 2011, by Indian prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh on Srinivasa Ramanujan's 125th birthday.

  5. The credit for the initiation of this great day goes to our former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh.

  6. Celebrating this day is to make people aware of the importance of mathematics in our life.

  7. It also inspires younger generations to fall in love with and be passionate about learning mathematics.

  8. National Mathematics Day is joyfully observed by educational institutions all around the country.

  9. On this day, several workshops, seminars, debates, and discussions happen in schools, colleges, etc., on Srinivasa Ramanujan's life and achievements.

  10. Children from various regions of the country participate in these workshops and programmes.

Speech on Mathematics Day for Students - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech
Speech on Mathematics Day for Students - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Short Speech on Mathematics Day

Mathematics is the subject, and to regard this subject, mathematics day is celebrated worldwide. Mathematics has made life so simple for people. We celebrate mathematics day for two days in India.

On 14 March 2007, when the first time World Mathematics Day was celebrated, an online maths contest happened. Students and maths lovers from all over the world compete in this event for the chance to win. Gold medals and certificates are given to the top ten finishers in this contest.

On the other hand, Srinivasa Ramanujan is honoured in India on National Mathematics Day. He was an extraordinary Indian mathematician. Srinivasa has made some significant contributions to mathematics. Indians thus celebrate December 22 as National Mathematics Day to recognise his birthday.

Both of these days are observed to encourage students to study maths more. We should not be afraid of this subject because we all learn this subject from our childhood. We use mathematics in our daily life. All time we use mathematics, at shopping, at fairs, etc. Mathematics is a subject we can study in a higher class also. Through mathematics, we can get promising professions like teaching, cash collection, etc.

Long Speech on Mathematics Day

Mathematics day is celebrated to honour Srinivasa Ramanujan on his 125th birthday. Mathematics day is celebrated on 22 December in India because our former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh declared. However, world mathematics day is celebrated on 14 March. An international online mathematics competition is organised on "world maths day" and every County person participates in it.

The first World Maths Day was celebrated on March 14, 2007. A Guinness World Record was later awarded to World Math Day in 2010 for hosting the longest online mathematics competition. World's Maths Day partnered with UNICEF as its official charity.

When the first World Math Day was conducted in 2007, there were 287,000 participants from 98 different nations who answered 38,904,275 problems. After that, as the years went by, there were more students. Many famous mathematicians also took part in this event.

The children who do well in this competition get many types of awards. Every year, gold medals are given to the winners and the top ten students worldwide.

National mathematics day is celebrated as a tribute to the contribution of Srinivasa Ramanujan to the history of Mathematics. He struggled with money for a long time before finishing his education and receiving a scholarship from the Government Arts College in Kumbakonam. He failed in all of the subjects except maths because he was so focused on maths that he was unable to concentrate on any other subject. As a result, he lost his scholarship.

Srinivasa never had any formal training for his exceptional arithmetic skills. He possessed it naturally. The trickiest mathematical equations took him only minutes to solve.

Srinivasa Ramanujan's contributions to mathematics are immeasurable. He had added a new view to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series, etc. Thus, the national mathematics day celebration began encouraging more young people to achieve their goals and aspirations.

To succeed, one must put in a tremendous amount of effort. Whether it's National Mathematics Day or World Maths Day, both acknowledge and celebrate the development of the field of mathematics.

Why is Mathematics Essential?

Mathematics is essential for our daily life. It would be impossible to complete our daily tasks without mathematics. Maths is used frequently. From shopping to paying our employees to manage a large or small business. Everywhere, the fundamentals of mathematics are necessary. We should study all subjects, but without mathematics, we cannot live our lives because Mathematics work comes every day in our life.

In India, mathematics is taken very seriously, and all our parents teach us mathematics from childhood. By studying only mathematics, we can do many jobs like teaching, manger, cash collector, etc.

Mathematics is the subject I started studying. In childhood, my father used to teach me this subject. The first subject I studied was mathematics. In maths, I was good and looked up adequately to twelve standards. After twelve, I took English as my primary subject. In school, we all used to celebrate mathematics day with our mathematics teacher. I have a good memory of mathematics day. We all should study mathematics because it will help us in the future.

Also Read: Essay on Srinivasa Ramanujan

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