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Speech on Freedom Fighters

Speech on Freedom Fighters

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 24, 2023 04:47 PM IST

Patriotism is defined as a person's love and pride for their country to the point of giving their life to advance the country. Numerous generations of Indians have been motivated to fight for their freedom and rights by the potent message of resistance and self-sacrifice left by our freedom fighters. They will always be recognised as one of the greatest heroes of the Indian independence fight, and their memories continue to inspire Indians today.

10 Lines Speech on Freedom Fighters

  1. Slavery by the British was ended thanks to the efforts of freedom fighters.

  2. For nearly two hundred years, the British East India Company dominated the Indian subcontinent.

  3. Many anti-British rebels didn't want to resort to violence and instead utilised rallies and campaigns to overthrow the colonial power.

  4. The Revolt of Independence in 1857 marked the beginning of the severe first struggle for independence. Although we were not ultimately successful in our quest for independence, the revolution was the first time Indians from throughout the nation united in opposing the British.

  5. The slaughter at Jallianwala Bagh was one of the British Empire's most heinous efforts to quell resistance from the Indians.

  6. An open fire killed thousands of people, many of them children.

  7. When India finally achieved swaraj, or total independence, on August 15, 1947, it culminated in a century of death, sacrifice, and conflicts.

  8. Today, thanks to the efforts of our forefathers, we enjoy the benefits of a socialist democratic nation with complete independence.

  9. The commencement of the English East India Company's rule in India was marked by the company's arrival as merchants and the subsequent theft of enormous quantities of riches, spices, and vegetables without paying the appropriate taxes.

  10. When the British conquered India, the Indians were unarmed, yet they didn't need weapons or special training to win their freedom back.

Short Speech on Freedom Fighters

Independence from a colonial power is seldom achieved without the help of freedom fighters. This is the group that risked everything to free the nation. Many Indians have given their lives for their country's liberation, including Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Maharana Pratap, and Rani of Jhansi.

Anyone who helps free the nation in any way, whether directly or indirectly, is part of the freedom-fighting movement. Many freedom fighters, however, remained calm under pressure and liberated the nation by eschewing violence in favour of non-coercion and the pursuit of the truth. In contrast, others were emotionally invested in the cause and chose the road of bloodshed to achieve independence.

Bravery Of Freedom Fighters

We owe our status as citizens of a free and independent India to the brave men and women who fought for that status. Their ideas sparked a national uprising in which every citizen was cast as a freedom fighter. We need to hold these heroes in the highest esteem and keep in mind the immense debt we owe them for everything they have done for our nation. Our independence was brought with the blood of those who fought for it, risking their lives to secure it. The names of certain freedom warriors became household names, while the names of others were forgotten; yet, they all contributed to our independence, and for this reason, their spirits live on.

Long Speech On Freedom Fighters

Freedom fighters willingly risk their life for the liberation of their nation and people. There are always those courageous people in every nation who are prepared to offer their lives to protect their fellow citizens. The people who fought for freedom didn't only do it for their nation; they also fought for the people who had to watch as their loved ones were killed or imprisoned or had their rights to life and liberty stripped away. The people held the freedom fighters in high esteem because of their devotion to their homeland. In this way, they serve as models for the rest of society to emulate. Ordinary people would be scared to give up their life for their nation, but freedom fighters do it without hesitation or concern for their safety. It is impossible to describe the suffering they must endure to succeed. The rest of the nation will always owe them for their sacrifices.


Looking back, we can see that most liberationists entered the battle for independence unprepared. They participated in conflicts and demonstrations while well aware of the potential danger of being murdered by the government they were protesting. In addition to those who took up weapons against oppressors, freedom fighters included writers, lawyers, philanthropists, and others who helped spread awareness and raise funds for the cause. The bravest among them took the lead in the resistance to the invaders. People were educated about their rights and made aware of the social injustice and crimes done by those in authority by these activists. The freedom fighters' most significant legacy is the encouragement they provided for others to learn about and use their rights in opposition to the powerful. Their efforts motivated others to join the cause. The freedom fighters were instrumental in forging a shared sense of nationalism and patriotism among the populace. Liberationists are often regarded as the driving force behind the triumph of the liberation struggle. They made it so we can thrive in a democratic nation.

The British had ruled India for close to two centuries. Many courageous people gave their lives to ensure India's independence.

Mahatma Gandhi | The Dandi march was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, who advocated nonviolence as a means to achieve independence. When it came to accelerating the liberation struggle, Gandhi put a premium on ‘swadeshi’ and 'non-cooperation movement’.

Subhash Chandra Bose | Subhash Chandra Bose, or Netaji, was a prominent Indian nationalist. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was a great head of state. He established the Indian National Army (INA), also known as the Azad Hind Fauj, by travelling to various nations to forge alliances, which aided in the development of our country. He was able to drive the British out of the Indian Territory.

Bhagat Singh | The Central Legislative Assembly bombing in 1929 is perhaps Bhagat Singh's most well-known instance of political activity. Bhagat Singh detonated bombs within the assembly along with other revolutionaries Rajguru and Sukhdev, not intending to hurt anyone but rather to protest the British colonial authorities. They were opposing the Trade Dispute and Public Safety Bills, which would have given the British government more authority to suppress political dissent. The bombing did not result in any injuries, but it caught the attention of the whole country and the world because the three were detained, tried, and given the death penalty.

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