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Speech on Agriculture

Speech on Agriculture

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Feb 09, 2023 03:30 PM IST

Agriculture is considered the science and art of cultivating the land, growing crops, and raising livestock. It includes preparing animal and plant products for people to distribute to markets. Agriculture is the source of most of the world's food and fabrics. Here are some sample speeches on agriculture.

This Story also Contains
  1. 10 Line Speech on Agriculture
  2. Short Speech on Agriculture
  3. Long Speech on Agriculture
Speech on Agriculture
Speech on Agriculture

10 Line Speech on Agriculture

  1. Agriculture is the backbone sector of the Indian economy and also of many countries. It has been practiced in our country for thousands of years.

  2. Agriculture involves the systematic sowing of beneficial plants, including the rearing of livestock under supervision.

  3. Agriculture involves the conscious efforts of a man to modify a part of the earth's surface by cultivating crops or raising livestock for survival or monetary gain.

  4. Agriculture implies farming in various branches, including soil cultivation and tillage, diarying, cultivation, production, growing, and reaping any horticulture and agricultural commodities.

  5. Over some time, agriculture has developed a lot. New technologies and equipment have replaced almost all traditional farming methods in this modern era.

  6. Agriculture's elementary requirement is to ensure that the essential needs for food and nutrition are met, and no one remains empty stomach.

  7. Agriculture is not only important for feeding people but also is crucial for export purposes. Trading draws a huge amount of revenue and brings prosperity to the nation.

  8. Agriculture provides fiber, food, furniture, fuel, and raw materials for various industries and gives humans a fresh and healthy environment.

  9. Physical skill is about the capability to operate efficiently, for instance, efficient farming-based equipment, animals, etc., implementing seeds fertiliser, applying pesticides, etc.

  10. Agricultural production is carried out satisfactorily. It leads to the restoration of peace, happiness, health, wealth, and prosperity for the people and drives away negative feelings of discord, distrust, and anarchy.

Short Speech on Agriculture

"The ultimate aim of farming is not only growing crops, but also the cultivation and perfection of us, human beings."

Agriculture is the main occupation in India. Agriculture is essential not only from an economic point of view but has a deep-rooted influence on our social, political, and cultural life.

In the words of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, "Agriculture needed topmost priority because the nation and the government would both fail to succeed if agriculture could not be successful."

Agriculture also helps in capital formation. Our agricultural universities are working as role models for other developing nations. With the introduction of the green revolution, the agriculture industry has moved to its potential. Optimum use of fertiliser, irrigation, hybrid seed etc., has boosted crop production and helped to meet the country's growing demand.

For the cultivation of food grains, we used to be totally dependent on the monsoon, but today we have built dams, canals, tube wells, and pump sets. Additionally, compared to earlier times, we now have a wider selection of seeds, insecticides, and fertilizers, all of which allow us to grow more food.

How Can We Contribute

Today India can meet the food demand in our country and is a significant exporter of products to other nations. But it is a good practice to do agriculture in your own home. This helps us to meet some of our food requirements from our home garden itself. Also, the fresh quality of products produced in our garden can maintain our health and also helps in supporting the economy of our country.

Long Speech on Agriculture

"Agriculture is our wisest pursuit because it will, in the end, contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness."

In simple words, agriculture is the art and science of cultivating land, growing crops, and feeding and raising livestock. India largely depends on the agriculture sector. It not only contributes to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and national income of the country, but its raw materials, wide yielding varieties also serve as the primary catalyst for developing other agro-based or service industries.

"If agriculture goes wrong, nothing else will have a chance to go right". This line by MS Swaminathan, the father of the Green Revolution in India, aptly puts across the enormous role agriculture plays in our country in the present scenario.

Agricultural biodiversity | Agricultural biodiversity drives economic production in a lot of ways. It provides people with food and raw materials for products like clothing, shelter, fuelwood, medicinal plants and roots, and biofuel resources. Also, it performs services harboring the ecological system, like preservation of soil and water, enhancing soil fertility, biodiversity protection, and pollination, all of which contribute to the development of human settlement.

The majority of nations rely heavily on agriculture as a source of income. Hard labor is required, but the nation's food safety and health benefit from this. Prior to the industrial revolution, the economy was solely based on agriculture. It is also one of the most trustworthy sources of revenue. It is the most reliable source of life for humanity. Agriculture provides a significant portion of the people in developing nations with their primary source of income.

Agriculture In India

In our country, we grow a large number of crops, with each crop season having different requirements, like Rabi crops, Kharif crops, and Zaid crops. As India has a tropical climate, the topographic conditions favoring different crop production also vary for rice, wheat, maise, pulses, tea, coffee, spices, etc. The standard methods of farming practiced in India include intensive subsistence farming, plantation farming, mixed farming, dry agriculture, crop rotation, and many more.

However, with growing urbanisation and industrialisation, farmers have started adopting modern farming methods with the help of advanced tools and techniques. For example, nowadays, farmers use HYV seeds to increase yield, which shows the multidimensional scope of agriculture.

Although the opportunities are many, there are limitations too, like the agricultural productivity per unit area of land could be much higher in many areas, creating inequity. Adding to the list are the unpredictable monsoon pattern, lack of security, and drought conditions.

Initiatives Taken

The Government is taking initiatives to boost the sales in income production for

the farmers, rendering services and schemes to provide security. More action is needed, although they are trying to amend changes. We should understand that agriculture is more than just a significant source of income and livelihood. Still, it serves as the driving force for humanity, contributing to our country's food safety and health. So, agriculture is one of the major sectors of our economy, and it should never be neglected.

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