Best Schools in Kalimpong 2023 - Kalimpong has an average elevation of 1,250 metres (4,101 ft). Kalimpong is known for its educational institutions, Kalimpong has a wide range of excellent schools affiliated with the CBSE and ICSE board.
The facilities and high-quality amenities at top schools in Kalimpong make a superb environment for child to develop and learn which make them one of the best schools in West Bengal. Here is a complete list of the best schools in Kalimpong along with curriculum details and other factors, to assist you in selecting the best school in Kalimpong for your child.
Best Schools in Kalimpong 2023
Parents try to choose the best school for their children, choosing CBSE and CISCE schools in their region. The best schools in Kalimpong are listed below.
Best CBSE schools in Kalimpong 2023 Army Public School, Durbin Dara and Central School For Tibetans, Near Topkhana Bazar.
What are the different school boards available in Kalimpong?
Kalimpong has multiple options for parents to choose a board curriculum for their children. These include the CBSE and CISCE.
What amenities do schools in Kalimpong offer?
Each Kalimpong school may have different amenities. Some may feature a multipurpose hall, while others may offer everything from digital lessons to a sports playground. Most schools in Kalimpong, West Bengal, feature ventilated classrooms, subject laboratories, libraries, activity rooms, playgrounds, and sports facilities.