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How Many Three-Digit Numbers are Divisible by 5

How Many Three-Digit Numbers are Divisible by 5

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jun 19, 2023 05:11 PM IST


We will start off with a few definitions for the clearance. A number which has three digits in them is known as a three-digit number. It ranges from 100 to 999. Therefore, a three-digit number is divisible by 5 if you divide the three-digit number by 5 and you obtain a whole number with no remainder.

3 Digit Numbers That Are Divisible By 5

Below is a list of all 3-digit numbers divisible by five written in increasing order. There are a total of 180 three-digit numbers that are divisible by five.

100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180, 185, 190, 195, 200, 205, 210, 215, 220, 225, 230, 235,,......,815, 820, 825, 830, 835, 840, 845, 850, 855, 860, 865, 870, 875, 880, 885, 890, 895, 900, 905, 910, 915, 920, 925, 930, 935, 940, 945, 950, 955, 960, 965, 970, 975, 980, 985, 990, 995

Background wave

Expression: Before 3-digit numbers, there are 2-digit numbers that also exist.

Total 1-digit,2-digit, and 3-digit number that is completely divisible by five.


Total 1-digit, and 2-digit numbers that are completely divisible by five.


There is a 3-digit number that is completely divisible by five = [Total 1-digit,2-digit, and 3-digit number that is completely divisible by 5] — [Total 1-digit, and 2-digit numbers that are completely divisible by 5].

There are 3-digit numbers that are completely divisible by five = 199 — 19.

There are 3-digit numbers that are completely divisible by five = 180.

Three Digit Numbers That Are NOT Divisible By 5

Like the above statements, there are a total of 900 three-digit numbers of which 180 of them are divisible by 5. Likewise, 900 - 180 = 720. Thus, there are 720 three-digit numbers that are not divisible by 5.

The Sum Of All Three Digit Numbers That Are Divisible By 5

We summed up all the 3-digit numbers in our list above. The sum of the three-digit numbers that are divisible by all 5 is 98550.

The Smallest Three Digit Number That Is Divisible By 5

The lowest or smallest 3-digit number that is divisible by 5 is the first number on the list above that is 100.

The Largest Three Digit Number That Is Divisible By 5

The greatest or largest 3-digit number divisible by 5 is the last number on the list above that is 995.


There are 180 three-digit numbers that are completely divisible by 5.

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