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How Many Pairs Of Chromosomes Are In A Zygote?

How Many Pairs Of Chromosomes Are In A Zygote?

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 15, 2023 02:55 PM IST

In humans, the zygote is diploid. A human zygote has 23 pairs of chromosomes (= 46 chromosomes in number). The zygote obtains 23 chromosomes from the female parent through the ovum and 23 chromosomes from the male parent through the sperm.


A fertilised ovum is a zygote. As part of spermatogenesis and oogenesis, germ cells go through meiosis to become haploid (n). The sperm and unfertilized ovum restore a chromosomal set in the zygote to a diploid condition (2n). After fusing with sperm, the second step of meiosis occurs to separate chromatids. Mitosis of the zygote begins after conception, and it grows into a mature child with traits similar to its parent.

How Many Pairs Of Chromosomes Are In A Zygote?
How Many Pairs Of Chromosomes Are In A Zygote?
Background wave

Following 14 days of the menstrual cycle, ovulation happens through one of the ovaries, after which the ovum travels to the fallopian tube. Sperm penetrates the cervix and travels to the fallopian tube, where cell lining facilitates fertilisation. These linings produce small needle-like structures called cilia, which transport the zygote to the uterus, forming a blastocyst (ball of cells) in which cells divide. If fertilisation does not occur, the zygote goes down to the uterus, causing menstruation to begin.

The zygote is a critical connection in guaranteeing species survival from one generation to the next. With the creation of a zygote, every sexually reproducing creature commences life processes. The zygote is the initial step in the formation of a different creature. It contains all the critical components required for development since they exist as an encoded collection of information in the chromosomal composition. Only after several divisions into cleavage does the zygote become activated to create proteins. The production of blastomeres acts as the prospective organism's building blocks. The diploid cell carrying DNA information is created as a zygote. During this stage, the new individual's chromosomal gender is determined. Cleavage division occurs at the embryonic stage as a result of zygote development.

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