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How Many Neighbouring Countries of India

How Many Neighbouring Countries of India

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 31, 2023 03:18 PM IST


Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka are India's nine neighbours. Its marine borders with Bangladesh and Myanmar are another feature. Bangladesh and Pakistan also have a land border, even though Sri Lanka and Pakistan only share a water border through Adam's Bridge. The Andaman & Nicobar Islands of India are bordered by Thailand, Myanmar, and Indonesia. Among the countries that border India is Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. India is situated longitudinally in the Eastern Hemisphere and latitudinally in the Northern Hemisphere.

Physical Background of India

The length of India's land border is 15,200 km. The coasts of the mainland, the Lakshadweep Islands, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands comprise 7,516.6 km. The seven nations that surround India are Bangladesh to the east, China to the north, Bhutan to the northwest, Myanmar to the far east, and Afghanistan and Pakistan to the northwest. Two nations that share water borders are the Maldives and Sri Lanka (from the South-East) (from the South-West).

The following countries are neighbours of India:

  1. Afghanistan – Afghanistan's Islamic Republic is another name for it. Not to add that the large area of land covers around 6,52,000 sq. km. Additionally, the production of textiles, cotton, woollens, carpets, and handicrafts, as well as agriculture, are the main economic drivers of the nation.

Facts about Afghanistan

  • Kabul is the capital.

  • Afghani, is the national currency.

  • 34 Provinces in the States/Provinces.

  • Durand line, the border.

  • The border distance is 106 kilometres.

  • State borders with Jammu and Kashmir ( P.O.K.)

  1. Pakistan – Pakistan, which is situated west of India, has a coastline that runs along the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman. has an area of around 7,96,095 sq. km. the total amount of land. East Pakistan and West Pakistan were created when Pakistan gained its independence. Furthermore, a civil war that divided the two in 1971 resulted from the physical and cultural differences between these areas. As a consequence, West Pakistan, which is located in India's northwest, became the Republic of Pakistan, and Bangladesh was created.

Few facts about Pakistan

  • Islamabad is the capital.

  • Rupees is the Pakistani currency.

  • 4 Provinces in the State/Provinces.

  • Urdu and English are the official languages.

  • Radcliffe line, the border.

  • 3323 kilometres is the line.

  • Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Gujarat, and Rajasthan are the neighbouring states.

  1. Bangladesh – The South of Asia is where it is situated Bangladesh's official name is the People's Republic of Bangladesh. The country with the eighth-highest population among those that border India is Bangladesh. East Pakistan, originally a region of Pakistan, was known as Bangladesh before achieving independence in the Liberation War of 1971.

Important facts about Bangladesh

  • Dhaka, the capital

  • The native currency is the Bangla Taka.

  • The State/Province has 8 provinces.

  • Bengali is the official language.

  • Radcliffe line, the border.

  • The line is 4096.7 kilometres long.

  • Its bordering states are Assam, West Bengal, Meghalaya, Mizoram, and Tripura.

  1. Bhutan – It is officially known as the kingdom of Bhutan and is located in the northern region of India. A landlocked country, it has a surface area of around 38,394 sq. km. In actuality, Bhutan is the smallest of India's neighbouring countries. The economy of this constitutional monarchy depends on agriculture, forestry, tourism, and hydropower.

Facts about Bhutan

  • Thimphu is the capital.

  • Ngultrum is the currency (BTN)

  • Provinces and States: 20 States.

  • Dzongkha is the official language.

  • 699 kilometres is the line.

  • Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Sikkim, and West Bengal are neighbouring states.

  1. Myanmar – East Asia is home to Myanmar, often known as Burma and officially known as The Republic of the Union of Myanmar. With a total area of more than 6,76,578 square kilometres, it is the largest state in Southeast Asia's continental territory. The topic of how many of India's neighbours are democracies is regularly raised, with the military in Burma now in charge of declaring a state of emergency.

Important facts about Myanmar

  • The capital is Thimphu.

  • The money is called Ngultrum (BTN)

  • States and provinces: 20 States.

  • The official language is Dzongkha.

  • The distance is 699 kilometres.

  • West Bengal, Assam, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh are neighbouring states.

  1. China – It is situated in East Asia, where it ranks fourth in terms of size and population. Which of the countries India's neighbours have the fastest-growing economies? The answer lies with China. Furthermore, China's president serves as the country's head of state. It is also debatable how many of India's neighbours, excluding China, are associated with each other through commerce along the silk route or with Buddhism.

Important facts about China

  • Beijing serves as the capital.

  • Chinese Yuan is the official currency.

  • 26 Provinces make up the State/Provinces.

  • Mandarin is one of the official languages. The McMahon line is the border.

  • 3488 kilometres away from the border.

  • Bordering states include Jammu and Kashmir, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand.

  1. Nepal –The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal is another name for Nepal, a landlocked country to the north of India. covering 1,47,181 square miles. It ranks 93rd largest in terms of land area. Nepal is home to eight of the world's top ten mountains. additionally to Mount Everest, which is the tallest mountain on earth. Tourism is the country's main economic engine.

Important facts about Nepal

  • Kathmandu serves as the capital.

  • The Nepalese rupee is the official currency.

  • Nepali is one of the official languages.

  • Seven Provinces make up the State/Provinces.

  • 1751 kilometres away from the border.

  • Bordering States: West Bengal, Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh.

  1. Maldives – Are you interested in the countries India shares maritime boundaries with? Maldives is among them. The name given to the group of islands southwest of India is the Republic of Maldives. The Maldives are notable for having more than a thousand islands. It is one of the world's smallest nations in terms of its land area, yet it is a presidential republic where the president acts as the head of state. Only 298 square feet per km2 are included inside.

Important facts about the Maldives

  • Male Capital

  • Rufiyaa of the Maldives is the official currency.

  • Dhivehi is one of the recognised languages.

  • State/Provinces: 1. Sea boundary.

  • In the western Indian Ocean, below Lakshadweep Island, are our neighbouring states.

  1. Sri Lanka –Sri Lanka, also known as the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, is a country in South Asia that is separated from southern India by the Palk Strait. Sri Lanka is the second country, following the Maldives, if you're still unsure of which countries have marine boundaries with India. particularly situated in the Indian Ocean to the southwest of the Bay of Bengal and to the southeast of the Arabian Sea. The chief of state and the leader of the executive branch are the presidents.

Important facts about Sri Lanka

  • Both Colombo and Jayewardenepura Kotte serve as the nation's legislative and commercial capitals, respectively.

  • Currency: Sri Lankan rupee (LKR).

  • Sri Lankan and Tamil are the official languages.

  • Nine States and six provinces.

  • The sea serves as the boundary.

  • States that are next to it are divided from India by the Gulf of Mannar.


As a result of issues like infiltration and severe weather, it is safe to claim that India possesses the world's most vulnerable borders. Moreover, it has the third-largest border in the world, behind China and Russia. Following China, it is the second most populous nation in the world and the seventh largest in terms of area. has a 7,516.6 km long coastline, which includes island territories, and a land border that is 15,106.7 km long.

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