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How Many Legs do Insects Have

How Many Legs do Insects Have

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 20, 2023 04:20 PM IST


Insects are creatures whose bodies are divided into 3 main parts. They are the head, thorax, and abdomen. Each of these parts is attached with 2 legs. Therefore, an insect has six legs. These creatures have 2 antennas and an exoskeleton. Insects are critical to our environment because they pollinate flowers, eat pests, and help control disease-carrying organisms in the soil. Insects are the most diverse group of animals on Earth, and they cover a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colours. They belong to the largest phylum of the animal kingdom called the phylum Arthropoda. This phylum includes nearly 84% of all animal species there exist on earth. It includes spiders, insects, crustaceans and so forth. Arthropods have segmented bodies, and this is where their legs come from. Having six legs increases their stability and helps in distributing their weight more effectively. Segmentation also helps insects move quickly and efficiently through their environment.

Some Facts About Insects

Some insects can even produce light! Some fireflies use bioluminescence to attract mates and ward off predators; others use bioluminescence as a defence mechanism against small predators. Insects are important for all life on earth because they are the main food source for many animals. Insects also help to pollinate many plants, which is good for ecosystems and agriculture. Insects are also crucial to maintaining healthy soil. Without insects, we would have no way of breaking down dead organic matter that has built up in our soil. This can lead to a build-up of toxins, which can harm the health of plants and animals alike. Insects can survive almost anywhere provided that there is a food source.

Not all insects are helpful, like bees and silkworms that produce valuable products humans use like honey and silk. Some insects cause harm. Some insects sting and bite humans and animals and transmit diseases. Others harm plants and crops by eating their leaves and also by transmitting diseases. Some insects also eat clothing, wood, and so forth.

Physical Features

Insects have segmented bodies like all arthropods. But unlike other arthropods, like spiders who have eight legs, insects possess six legs. Their heads contain antennae, eyes, and mouths. Their eyes can be simple or compound. The thorax holds three pairs of legs; i.e., six legs and 2 pairs of wings. But insects only have one pair of wings or none. Their abdomen holds organs such as digestive, excretory and reproductive organs. The abdomen region is highly segmented, containing around 11 segments.

Behavioural Features

To protect themselves from predators, insects have a variety of mechanisms. Some insects camouflage themselves. For example, some moths have the same colour as the bark of trees. Beetles have hard body armour. Some insects produce light, i.e., bioluminescence, to ward off predators. Some produce poisons while others sting. Some insects like to live alone while others live in groups. Insects like ants and bees live in groups where each insect has a designated job.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Do all insects have six legs?

Yes, all insects have six legs. Some animals that look like insects but have more or fewer legs are not insects.

2. How do insects help life on earth?

Insects are the main food source of some animals like amphibians, birds, lizards, and bats. They aid in the decomposition of dead organic matter and also in pollination. Hence, they aid life on earth.

3. write any 2 main physical features of insects.

They have six legs and their body is divided into 3 main parts that are the head, thorax, and abdomen.

4. List 2 useful insects and the item they provide.

Honey bees provide honey and silkworms produce silk.

5. What is the name of the subphylum insects belonging to?


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