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How Many Committees are in The Constituent Assembly

How Many Committees are in The Constituent Assembly

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jun 15, 2023 02:03 PM IST


In 1946, the Constituent Assembly met for the first time in New Delhi's Constitution Hall (now the Central Hall of the Houses of Parliament). The Constitution of India was drafted by prominent figures in various fields. Dr BR Ambedkar is the drafter of the Constitution of India. Under Section 395, the Government of India Act, of 1935 and the Indian Independence Act, of 1947 were repealed with the entry into force of the Constitution of India.

The Constituent Assembly elected 22 commissions to deal with various constitutional tasks. Of these, 10 related to procedural matters and 12 to matters of fact. Committees of the Constituent Assembly Various committees of the Constituent Assembly worked together to draft the Indian Constitution. Most important was the editorial board headed by Dr B.R. Ambedkar.

Background wave

What is India's Constituent Assembly?

India gained its independence in 1947, breaking British rule. The British dictatorship ruled from 1858 to 1947. A Constituent Assembly was set up to draft a draft constitution for a free India. This Constituent Assembly was a sovereign body composed of many commissions.

Various committees of the Constituent Assembly worked together to draft the Constitution and the politics of India as we know it.

The Constituent Assembly, known as the first parliament of an independent India, was a sovereign body established to assist in the constitutional process of a newly independent India. The Cabinet's mission plan was responsible for creating the country's Constituent Assembly.

The Cabinet's mission plan abolished the universal adult franchise voting system we now have.

As a result, members of the Bundestag cast a single transferable vote to elect the members of the various commissions of the Constituent Assembly. The number of members elected by the state legislatures was 292. Other contributions were from the monarchy states and the chief commissioner states of Coorg, Delhi, Ajmer his Merwala and the British Baltistan. In the monarchies, he was joined by 93 members, and in the state chief commissioners by his four members.

Monarchies and provinces were allocated seats according to their respective populations. It was divided into Sikh, Muslim, and all other communities, with each section having a representative in the Constituent Assembly.

How many committees are there in the Constituent Assembly?

Various commissions have been established by the Constituent Assembly to deal with different branches of constitution-making, mainly for an independent India.

The Constituent Assembly had a total of 22 commissions. Among them, there were only eight main committees, the rests were subcommittees and subcommittees.

Ten committees dealt with procedural matters. Twelve committees dealt with matters of fact.

Given its weighty responsibility in drafting the Constitution, the Drafting Commission has undoubtedly played a very important role in India's political history.


The Constituent Assembly took almost three years (2 years, 11 months and 17 days to be precise) to complete its historic task of drafting a constitution for India's independence.

On August 29, 1947, the Constituent Assembly established a drafting committee chaired by Dr B.R. Ambedkar to prepare a draft constitution for India. While discussing the draft Constitution, the National Assembly proposed, discussed and rejected no less than 2,473 amendments out of a total of 7,635 proposed amendments.

The Constitution of India was adopted on November 26, 1949, and honorary members signed it on January 24, 1950. In total, 284 members signed the Constitution. On the day the Constitution was signed, it was raining outside and this was interpreted as a good omen.

The Constitution of India commenced on January 26, 1950. On that date, the National Assembly ceased to exist, becoming the Provisional Parliament of India until a new Congress was established in 1952.

Drafting committee members

Chairman – Dr BR Ambedkar


  • N Gopalaswamy Ayyangar

  • Muhammad Saadullah

  • Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar

  • KM Munshi

  • BL Mittar was substituted by N Madhava Rao following his resignation on health issues

  • Dr DP Khaitan (died in 1948 and was substituted by TT Krishnamachari)

The Drafting Committee prepared the first draft of the Constitution of India which was issued in February 1948 after considering the proposals of various committees. The people of India were given eight months to discuss the draft and propose changes. In the face of public comment, criticism, and suggestions, a drafting committee produced her second draft, which was published in October 1948. It took him less than six months for the editorial board to draft it. All in all, I only sat for 141 days.

The committees of Procedural affairs include:

  • Steering Committee

  • Rules of Procedure Committee

  • Committee on the effect of the Indian Independence Act of 1947

  • Orders of Business Committee Credentials Committee

  • House Committee

  • Hindi Translation Committee

  • Urdu Translation Committee

  • Finance and Staff Committee

  • Press Gallery Committee

The committees of substantive affairs include

· Ad hoc Committee on the National flag

· Advisory Committee on Fundamental Rights,

· Committee on the Functions of the Constituent Assembly

· Committee on Minorities and Tribal and Excluded Areas

· Committee on the Rules of Procedure

· Special Committee to Examine the Draft Constitution

· Provincial Constitution Committee

· Drafting Committee

· Excluded and Partially Excluded Areas Sub-Committee

· Finance and Staff Committee

· Fundamental Rights Sub-Committee

· House Committee

· Minorities Sub-Committee

· North-East Frontier Tribal Areas and Assam, Excluded and Partially Excluded Areas Sub-Committee

· Order of Business Committee

· States Committee

· Steering Committee

· Union Constitution Committee

· Union Powers Committee

Minor Committees under Constituent Assembly

  • Committee on the Functions of the Constituent Assembly

  • Order of Business Committee

  • House Committee

  • Ad-hoc Committee on the National Flag

  • Special Committee to Examine the Draft Constitution

  • Credentials Committee

  • Finance and Staff Committee

  • Press Gallery Committee

  • Committee to Examine the Effect of the Indian Independence Act of 1947

  • Committee on Chief Commissioners’ Provinces

  • Commission on Linguistic Provinces

  • Expert Committee on Financial Provisions

  • Ad-hoc Committee on the Supreme Court

  • Ad-hoc Committee on citizenship


The constitution was formed after the joint effort of 22 committees of the constitutional assembly. After many revisions and almost 3 years, the final draft of the constitution was released on November 4, 1948.

November 26, 1949, is marked as the day when the Indian Constitution was finally adopted. . On January 26, 1950, the constitution was officially adopted. This is also known as Republic Day.

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