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How Many Chapters are There in Class 11 Physics

How Many Chapters are There in Class 11 Physics

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on May 02, 2023 12:21 PM IST


CBSE NCERT Covers a total of 15 chapters in Class 11 Physics. The number of chapters in a Class 11 physics textbook can vary depending on the specific curriculum and the publisher of the textbook. In general, however, most Class 11 physics textbooks cover a wide range of topics and may include the following chapters:

  1. Physical World

  2. Units and Measurements

  3. Motion in a Straight Line

  4. Motion in a Plane

  5. Laws of Motion

  6. Work, Energy and Power

  7. System of Particles and Rotational Motion

  8. Gravitation

  9. Mechanical Properties of Solids

  10. Mechanical Properties of Fluids

  11. Thermal Properties of Matter

  12. Thermodynamics

  13. Kinetic Theory

  14. Oscillations

  15. Waves

Chapters in Class 11 Physics

Physical World and Measurement

Chapter–1: Physical World

Chapter 1 of a Class 11 physics textbook is usually titled "Physical World" and is often an introduction to the subject of physics. It is typically designed to provide a broad overview of the main concepts and principles of physics, as well as to introduce some of the key ideas and methods used in the study of the physical world.

Some of the important topics that may be covered in Chapter 1 of a Class 11 physics textbook include:

  • The nature and scope of physics: This section of the chapter typically discusses the basic goals and methods of physics, as well as the types of phenomena that physics seeks to explain.

  • The fundamental principles of physics: This section of the chapter may introduce some of the key laws and principles that underlie the study of physics, such as the principles of conservation of energy and momentum, and the laws of thermodynamics.

  • The nature of physical quantities: This section of the chapter may discuss the various types of physical quantities that are used in physics, such as length, mass, and time, and how these quantities are measured and expressed.

  • The systems of units and dimensions: This section of the chapter may introduce the various systems of units that are used in physics, such as the International System of Units (SI), and may also discuss the concept of dimensions and how they are used to analyze and compare physical quantities.

Overall, Chapter 1 of a Class 11 physics textbook is designed to provide a broad overview of the main concepts and principles of physics and to introduce students to the tools and methods used in the study of the physical world.

Chapter–2: Units and Measurements

Chapter 2 of a Class 11 physics textbook is usually titled "Units and Measurements" and is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of measurement and the systems of units used in physics.

Some of the important topics that may be covered in Chapter 2 of a Class 11 physics textbook include:

  • The need for measurement: This section of the chapter may discuss why measurement is important in physics, and how it is used to describe and compare physical quantities.

  • Units of measurement: This section of the chapter may introduce the various units of measurement used in physics, such as the meter, the kilogram, and the second, and may also discuss how these units are defined and how they are used to measure physical quantities.

  • Systems of units: This section of the chapter may introduce the various systems of units that are used in physics, such as the International System of Units (SI), and may discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each system.

  • Dimensions of physical quantities: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of dimensions and how they are used to analyze and compare physical quantities. It may also discuss how to express physical quantities in different systems of units using dimensional analysis.

  • Precision, accuracy, and error in measurement: This section of the chapter may discuss the concept of precision and accuracy in measurement, and may also introduce different types of errors that can occur in measurement and how to evaluate and minimize them.

Overall, Chapter 2 of a Class 11 physics textbook is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of measurement and the systems of units used in physics and to teach them how to make accurate and precise measurements of physical quantities.


Chapter–3: Motion in a Straight Line

Chapter 3 of a Class 11 physics textbook is usually titled "Motion in a Straight Line" and is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of linear motion and how to analyze and describe it.

Some of the important topics that may be covered in Chapter 3 of a Class 11 physics textbook include:

  • Displacement, distance, and speed: This section of the chapter may introduce the concepts of displacement, distance, and speed, and may discuss how these quantities are related to each other and how they are used to describe linear motion.

  • Average and instantaneous speed: This section of the chapter may introduce the concepts of average and instantaneous speed, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret these quantities.

  • Velocity: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of velocity, which is a measure of the speed and direction of an object's motion, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret velocity.

  • Uniform and non-uniform motion: This section of the chapter may introduce the concepts of uniform and non-uniform motion, and may discuss how to distinguish between these two types of motion and how to analyze them.

  • Graphical representation of motion: This section of the chapter may introduce the use of graphs to represent and analyze linear motion, and may discuss how to plot and interpret distance-time and velocity-time graphs.

Overall, Chapter 3 of a Class 11 physics textbook is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of linear motion and how to analyze and describe it using quantitative tools such as displacement, distance, speed, velocity, and graphs.

Chapter–4: Motion in a Plane

Chapter 4 of a Class 11 physics textbook is usually titled "Motion in a Plane" and is designed to introduce students to the concepts of two-dimensional motion and how to analyze and describe it.

Some of the important topics that may be covered in Chapter 4 of a Class 11 physics textbook include:

  • Position and displacement vectors: This section of the chapter may introduce the concepts of position and displacement vectors and may discuss how to represent and manipulate these vectors graphically.

  • Distance and displacement: This section of the chapter may introduce the concepts of distance and displacement in two-dimensional motion, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret these quantities.

  • Speed and velocity: This section of the chapter may introduce the concepts of speed and velocity in two-dimensional motion, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret these quantities.

  • Uniform circular motion: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of uniform circular motion, which is a type of two-dimensional motion that occurs when an object moves in a circular path at a constant speed. It may also discuss how to analyze and describe uniform circular motion using concepts such as angular displacement, angular velocity, and angular acceleration.

  • Non-uniform circular motion: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of non-uniform circular motion, which is a type of two-dimensional motion that occurs when an object moves in a circular path at a variable speed. It may also discuss how to analyze and describe non-uniform circular motion using concepts such as centripetal acceleration and centripetal force.

Overall, Chapter 4 of a Class 11 physics textbook is designed to introduce students to the concepts of two-dimensional motion and how to analyze and describe it using position and displacement vectors, speed and velocity, and concepts such as angular displacement, angular velocity, and angular acceleration.

Laws of Motion

Chapter–5: Laws of Motion

Chapter 5 of a Class 11 physics textbook is usually titled "Laws of Motion" and is designed to introduce students to the fundamental principles of motion known as the laws of motion.

Some of the important topics that may be covered in Chapter 5 of a Class 11 physics textbook include:

  • Newton's first law of motion: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of inertia, which is the property of an object to resist changes in its motion, and may discuss how this concept is described by Newton's first law of motion.

  • Newton's second law of motion: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of force, which is a quantity that can change the motion of an object, and may discuss how the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration is described by Newton's second law of motion.

  • Newton's third law of motion: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of action and reaction forces, which are pairs of forces that act on two different objects and are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction, and may discuss how these forces are described by Newton's third law of motion.

  • Applications of the laws of motion: This section of the chapter may discuss how the laws of motion can be applied to a variety of problems involving objects in motion, such as the motion of projectiles, the motion of objects on an incline, and the motion of objects under the influence of friction.

Overall, Chapter 5 of a Class 11 physics textbook is designed to introduce students to the fundamental principles of motion known as the laws of motion and to teach them how to apply these laws to analyze and solve problems involving objects in motion.

Work, Energy and Power

Chapter–6: Work, Energy and Power

Chapter 6 of a Class 11 physics textbook is usually titled "Work, Energy and Power" and is designed to introduce students to the concepts of work, energy, and power, and how these concepts are related to each other.

Some of the important topics that may be covered in Chapter 6 of a Class 11 physics textbook include:

  • Work: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of work, which is a measure of the amount of energy transferred to or from an object by a force, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret work using the work-energy theorem.

  • Kinetic energy: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret kinetic energy using the kinetic energy formula.

  • Potential energy: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of potential energy, which is the energy of position, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret potential energy using the potential energy formula.

  • Power: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of power, which is a measure of the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred and may discuss how to calculate and interpret power using the power formula.

  • Conservation of energy: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of the conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be converted from one form to another, and may discuss how to apply the conservation of energy principle to solve problems involving energy transfer and transformation.

Overall, Chapter 6 of a Class 11 physics textbook is designed to introduce students to the concepts of work, energy, and power, and to teach them how to apply these concepts to analyze and solve problems involving the transfer and transformation of energy.

The Motion of System of Particles

Chapter–7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Chapter 7 of a Class 11 physics textbook is usually titled "System of Particles and Rotational Motion" and is designed to introduce students to the concepts of rotational motion and the behaviour of systems of particles.

Some of the important topics that may be covered in Chapter 7 of a Class 11 physics textbook include:

  • Rotational kinematics: This section of the chapter may introduce the concepts of angular displacement, angular velocity, and angular acceleration, and may discuss how to analyze and describe rotational motion using these quantities.

  • Rotational dynamics: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of torque, which is a measure of the rotational force exerted by a force on an object, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret torque using the torque formula.

  • Rotational energy: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of rotational kinetic energy, which is the energy of rotational motion, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret rotational kinetic energy using the rotational kinetic energy formula.

  • Moment of inertia: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of moment of inertia, which is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in its rotational motion, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret moment of inertia using the moment of inertia formula.

  • Centre of mass: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of the centre of mass, which is the point at which the mass of an object is concentrated, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret the centre of mass of an object using various methods.

  • Systems of particles: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of a system of particles, which is a group of particles that interact with each other, and may discuss how to analyze and describe the motion of a system of particles using concepts such as linear momentum and impulse.

  • Collisions: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of collisions, which are events in which two or more objects collide and interact with each other, and may discuss how to analyze and describe collisions using concepts such as impulse and conservation of momentum.

Overall, Chapter 7 of a Class 11 physics textbook is designed to introduce students to the concepts of rotational motion and the behaviour of systems of particles and to teach them how to apply these concepts to analyze and solve problems involving rotational motion and the motion of systems of particles.


Chapter–8: Gravitation

Chapter 8 of a Class 11 physics textbook is usually titled "Gravitation" and is designed to introduce students to the fundamental principles of gravitation and how it affects the motion of objects.

Some of the important topics that may be covered in Chapter 8 of a Class 11 physics textbook include:

  • The law of universal gravitation: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of universal gravitation, which is the force of attraction between any two objects in the universe, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret the gravitational force using the law of universal gravitation.

  • Gravitational field and gravitational potential: This section of the chapter may introduce the concepts of the gravitational field and gravitational potential, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret these quantities using the gravitational field and gravitational potential formulas.

  • Orbits and satellite motion: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of orbits, which are the paths followed by objects under the influence of a gravitational force, and may discuss how to analyze and describe orbits using concepts such as Kepler's laws of planetary motion.

Properties of Bulk Matter

Chapter–9: Mechanical Properties of Solids

Chapter 9 of a Class 11 physics textbook is usually titled "Mechanical Properties of Solids" and is designed to introduce students to the mechanical properties of solids and how they respond to external forces.

Some of the important topics that may be covered in Chapter 9 of a Class 11 physics textbook include:

  • Elastic and plastic deformation: This section of the chapter may introduce the concepts of elastic and plastic deformation, and may discuss how solids respond to external forces and how to calculate and interpret quantities such as stress, strain, and Young's modulus.

  • Torsion: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of torsion, which is the twisting of a solid due to an applied torque, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret quantities such as torsional strain and torsional modulus.

  • Fracture: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of fracture, which is the breaking or splitting of a solid due to an applied force, and may discuss how to analyze and describe different types of fractures such as brittle and ductile fractures.

Chapter–10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Chapter 10 of a Class 11 physics textbook is usually titled "Mechanical Properties of Fluids" and is designed to introduce students to the mechanical properties of fluids and how they behave under different conditions.

Some of the important topics that may be covered in Chapter 10 of a Class 11 physics textbook include:

  • Pressure: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of pressure, which is a measure of the force per unit area exerted by a fluid on a surface, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret pressure using the pressure formula.

  • Pascal's law: This section of the chapter may introduce Pascal's law, which states that the pressure exerted by a fluid is transmitted equally in all directions, and may discuss how to apply Pascal's law to solve problems involving fluids in containers and hydraulic systems.

  • Buoyancy: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of buoyancy, which is the upward force exerted by a fluid on an object that is submerged in it, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret buoyancy using the buoyancy formula.

  • Viscosity: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of viscosity, which is the resistance of a fluid to flow, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret viscosity using the viscosity formula.

Chapter–11: Thermal Properties of Matter

Chapter 11 of a Class 11 physics textbook is usually titled "Thermal Properties of Matter" and is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of heat and temperature and how they affect the behaviour of matter.

Some of the important topics that may be covered in Chapter 11 of a Class 11 physics textbook include:

  • Temperature: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of temperature, which is a measure of the heat of an object, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret temperature using the temperature formula.

  • Thermal expansion: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of thermal expansion, which is the increase in the size of an object due to an increase in temperature, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret thermal expansion using the thermal expansion formula.

  • Heat: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of heat, which is a form of energy that is transferred between objects due to a temperature difference, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret heat using the heat formula.

  • Heat transfer: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of heat transfer, which is the movement of heat from one place to another, and may discuss the three modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation.

  • Specific heat capacity: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of specific heat capacity, which is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of an object by a certain amount, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret specific heat capacity using the specific heat capacity formula.

  • Change of state: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of change of state, which is the transformation of a substance from one state of matter to another, and may discuss the three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. It may also discuss the process of melting, freezing, vaporization, and condensation, and how to calculate and interpret the energy changes that occur during these processes.

Overall, Chapter 11 of a Class 11 physics textbook is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of heat and temperature and how they affect the behaviour of matter and to teach them how to apply these concepts to analyze and solve problems involving heat transfer, thermal expansion, and the change of state of matter.


Chapter–12: Thermodynamics

Chapter 12 of a Class 11 physics textbook is usually titled "Thermodynamics" and is designed to introduce students to the principles of thermodynamics, which are the laws that describe the relationships between heat, work, and energy.

Some of the important topics that may be covered in Chapter 12 of a Class 11 physics textbook include:

  • The first law of thermodynamics: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of the first law of thermodynamics, which is also known as the law of energy conservation, and may discuss how to apply the first law to analyze energy transfer and transformation in thermodynamic systems.

  • The second law of thermodynamics: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of the second law of thermodynamics, which is also known as the law of entropy, and may discuss how to apply the second law to analyze the direction and efficiency of energy transfer and transformation in thermodynamic systems.

  • The third law of thermodynamics: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of the third law of thermodynamics, which states that the entropy of a perfect crystal at absolute zero is zero, and may discuss the implications of the third law for the behaviour of matter at low temperatures.

Kinetic Theory of Gases

Chapter–13: Kinetic Theory

Chapter 13 of a Class 11 physics textbook is usually titled "Kinetic Theory" and is designed to introduce students to the kinetic theory of gases, which is a theory that explains the behaviour of gases in terms of the motion and interactions of their constituent molecules.

Some of the important topics that may be covered in Chapter 13 of a Class 11 physics textbook include:

  • Molecular motion: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of molecular motion, and may discuss the properties of molecular motion such as temperature, pressure, and volume.

  • The ideal gas law: This section of the chapter may introduce the ideal gas law, which is a relationship between the pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas, and may discuss how to use the ideal gas law to analyze the behaviour of gases under different conditions.

  • Real gases: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of real gases, which are gases that deviate from the ideal gas behaviour due to the interactions between their molecules, and may discuss the deviations of real gases from the ideal gas law and how to correct for these deviations using the van der Waals equation.

Oscillation & Waves

Chapter–14: Oscillations

Chapter 14 of a Class 11 physics textbook is usually titled "Oscillations" and is designed to introduce students to the concept of oscillations and how they arise in physical systems.

Some of the important topics that may be covered in Chapter 14 of a Class 11 physics textbook include:

  • Simple harmonic motion: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of simple harmonic motion, which is a type of periodic motion characterized by a restoring force that is proportional to the displacement from equilibrium, and may discuss how to analyze and describe simple harmonic motion using quantities such as period, frequency, amplitude, and phase.

  • Damped oscillations: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of damped oscillations, which are oscillations that dissipate energy over time due to the presence of a damping force, and may discuss how to analyze and describe damped oscillations using quantities such as decay rate and quality factor.

  • Forced oscillations: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of forced oscillations, which are oscillations that are driven by an external force, and may discuss how to analyze and describe forced oscillations using concepts such as resonance and impedance.

Chapter–15: Waves

Chapter 15 of a Class 11 physics textbook is usually titled "Waves" and is designed to introduce students to the concept of waves and how they propagate through different media.

Some of the important topics that may be covered in Chapter 15 of a Class 11 physics textbook include:

  • Types of waves: This section of the chapter may introduce the different types of waves, such as mechanical waves (e.g., sound waves, seismic waves) and electromagnetic waves (e.g., light waves, radio waves), and may discuss the properties of each type of wave such as their wavelength, frequency, and velocity.

  • Wave properties: This section of the chapter may introduce the properties of waves, such as amplitude, period, and frequency, and may discuss how to calculate and interpret these quantities using wave equations.

  • Superposition of waves: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of superposition of waves, which is the combination of two or more waves to form a resultant wave, and may discuss how to analyze and describe the superposition of waves using concepts such as constructive and destructive interference.

  • Standing waves: This section of the chapter may introduce the concept of standing waves, which are waves that appear to be stationary due to the superposition of waves travelling in opposite directions, and may discuss how to analyze and describe standing waves using concepts such as nodes and antinodes.


These are a few of the important foundation concepts which help in further conceptualising topics in higher classes.

The scope of Physics is very broad and covers a wide range of magnitudes of physical quantities such as length, mass, time, energy, etc.

It deals with the macroscopic world like galaxies and the universe as well as the microscopic world like the nucleus of an atom and fundamental particles like electrons, protons, neutrons etc.

Physics improves our quality of life by providing the basic understanding necessary for developing new instrumentation and techniques for medical applications.

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