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Actions Speak Louder Than Words Speech

Actions Speak Louder Than Words Speech

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 03, 2023 11:42 AM IST


Proverbs are wise sayings that have been passed down through the ages. They often deal with everyday life and may be applied to any situation. There are many idioms and sayings from many cultures. Among the many adages in the English language, "activity speaks louder than words" is an excellent example of a simple saying that means taking actual action and working towards something speaks louder than just words and empty promises.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words Speech
Actions Speak Louder Than Words Speech

10 Lines Speech on Actions Speak Louder Than Words

  1. Effort and diligence are necessary for every worthwhile endeavour rather than words and empty promises.

  2. Respect is gained via actions, not just words.

  3. Influential leaders take charge and get things done.

  4. A burning desire to succeed and put in the time and effort required to achieve your goals is essential.

  5. Gaining the trust of one's superiors and coworkers is a crucial factor in achieving success in one's professional life.

  6. This trust can be earned solely by deeds and not grandiose rhetoric.

  7. It is a good rule to only promise what you can deliver.

  8. Your words get the recommendation seal only when you have done the right thing.

  9. Empty words can bring you disregard and disdain from other people.

  10. Thus it is essential to avoid using them if you are unsure of your ability to carry them through.

Short Speech on Actions Speak Louder Than Words

People who don't talk much but take the appropriate action at the appropriate moment earn more trust in the long term. In any given circumstance, people are more likely to trust those who act than those who profess to act. Conversations may provide a transient sense of fulfilment, but only responsible behaviour may earn long-term trust and respect. Therefore, intelligent folks utilised this proverb correctly to make others say what they had realised long before but were unable to articulate.

Trust building

The actual determining element of a word is action, which validates what you claim to do by showing that you do it. Wise individuals never talk about their plans and never pretend to do this; instead, they display their energy solely in their acts. Those who profess to have wisdom never speak about their goals. If your actions effectively implement the unspoken words, they will utter them themselves with more knowledge and faith if they are successful. The rewards of success are more likely to come to you as a result of your hard work than your boasting. People who take action and say little are the most extraordinary candidates for being assigned significant responsibilities and obligations.

Long Speech on Actions Speak Louder Than Words

The origins of many sage sayings from different cultures may be traced back many years. Similarly, the adage "activity speaks louder than words" is an ancient saying that has stood the test of time. Like many others that are far older, this proverb teaches in a way that is helpful, intelligent, and advanced for its time. In addition, the term gives the impression that a person's actions have a more significant influence on others than their words. The most important thing to take up from this expression is that it implies that people are more likely to trust what you do than what you say.

The phrase "actions speak louder than words" is often used to emphasise that it is more important to do something than to simply talk about it. In other words, people are more likely to believe what you do rather than what you say. This principle is true in many aspects of life, from personal relationships to business and politics.

Personal Relationships

In personal relationships, actions speak louder than words. For example, if someone tells you they love you, but their actions don't show it, their words hold little weight. On the other hand, if someone consistently shows love and affection through their actions, such as making time for you, going out of their way to help you, or making sacrifices for you, their love is much more genuine and believable.


In the business world, actions speak louder than words as well. A company may make grand promises about their commitment to sustainability or ethical practices, but if their actions don't align with those promises, they will lose credibility. On the other hand, a company that consistently implements sustainable practices and makes ethical decisions will gain the trust and respect of consumers and investors.


In politics, actions speak louder than words. Politicians may make promises during campaigns, but if they don't follow through with those promises once in office, they lose credibility. On the other hand, politicians who consistently work towards their campaign promises and take actions to address the issues they campaigned on, will gain the trust and respect of their constituents.


Malala is a young woman from Pakistan who, from a very young age, was an advocate for the education of girls. She grew up in a region where girls were denied access to education, and she was determined to change that.

In 2012, at the age of 15, Malala was shot in the head by the Taliban for speaking out about the importance of education for girls. Despite the assassination attempt, Malala survived and continued to speak out about the importance of education. She became a global advocate for girls' education, giving speeches and interviews, and even starting her own education charity.

Malala's actions speak louder than her words, as despite the dangers she faced, she continued to speak out and work towards her goal of education for girls. Her actions have inspired millions of people around the world and have led to tangible changes in the access to education for girls in her region and beyond.

In conclusion, Malala Yousafzai's story is an excellent example of how actions speak louder than words. She has shown that even in the face of adversity, one person can make a difference and change the lives of many. Her actions have inspired millions of people around the world and have led to tangible changes in the access to education for girls. Her unwavering commitment to her cause despite the dangers she faced, shows that when we are truly committed to something, we will go the extra mile to make a change, and that is what makes the difference.

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