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200000 in Words

200000 in Words

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Apr 03, 2023 02:23 PM IST

200000 is written as “Two lakhs” in words in the Indian system and “Two hundred thousand” in the international system of units. It has six digits that have six place values: ones, tens, hundreds, Thousands, ten thousand, and lakhs.

How to Write 200000 in words

To write 200000 in words we have to multiply every digit by its place value.

So, to write 200000 the place of two is lakh so we will multiply 2 by lakh, rest of the values will give zero as all the digits from ones to ten thousands are zero.

Place Value and Face Value

Place Value-The Place Value is where the digit is placed in the value table of Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands, Ten thousands and Lakhs.

Face Value-The face Value of a digit in a number is that number itself. Eg: The face value of 2 in Two lakh is 2 itself.

Place Value Chart


Ten Thousands











Expanded form of Two Lakhs

In expanded form 200000 can be written as:

2 \times 100000+0 \times 10000+0 \times 1000+0 \times 100+0 \times 10+0 \times 1


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is 200000 an odd number?

No, 200000 is not an odd number, it is a multiple of two, so 200000 is an even number.

2. What is the square root of 200000?

447.213595 is the Square root of 200000.

3. How is 200000 represented in the International system?

200000 is represented as Two hundred Thousand in the International Convention.

4. What is 200000 represented in the Roman Letter?

100000 is represented as C in the Roman Numeral System. So 200000 can be represented as (CC).

5. What is the face value of 2 in 200000?

face value of 2 in 200000 is two.

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