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Sodium Chloride - Preparation, Properties, Uses, FAQs

Sodium Chloride - Preparation, Properties, Uses, FAQs

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jul 13, 2022 10:33 AM IST

What is NaCl?

NaCl full form is sodium chloride or nacl chemical name is sodium chloride. The sodium and chloride ions are in a 1:1 ratio in sodium chloride, which is an ionic molecule. Table salt or common salt are other names for it. The salt is primarily responsible for the salinity of saltwater as well as the extracellular fluid found in many multicellular organisms. The common salt formula is NaCl. It is used in a wide range of processes, from home to industrial. This salt is primarily obtained from seawater. The chemical formula of common salt is NaCl.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is NaCl?
  2. What is sodium?
  3. Properties
  4. Sodium chloride uses
  5. Human Body's Use of Sodium Chloride
  6. Sodium chloride injection uses

Sodium chloride makes up about 1% to 5% of the water in the ocean. It is a crystalline solid that is white in colour. NaCl has a molecular weight of 58.44g/mol. With a sodium cation and a chloride anion, this is a water-soluble molecule. It is commonly referred to as table salt and is mostly utilized in the food sector for preservation and flavouring. The pH value of NaCl is close to 7.

Background wave

Salts are the source of almost all chemical compounds that contain chlorine or sodium. It can be found in abundance in nature It's abundant in the natural world.In seawater, salt is a substantial component of the dissolved elements. Mineral halite can be used to make pure salt. Mining the deposits yields sodium chloride, while running water through the deposits yields brine solution.

As a result, the salts dissolve, and the solution is pumped out. Evaporation of sea water is one of the most common methods for obtaining salt, and it is utilised extensively in nations such as India. Impurities such as calcium sulphate, sodium sulphate, and others are commonly found in the crystals. By dissolving the salts in a little amount of water and filtering the solution, pure crystals can be obtained.

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What is sodium?

Sodium is one of the chemical elements present in the periodic table. It is metal.


Sodium and chlorine, on the other hand, react to form sodium chloride, also known as table salt or common salt, which is familiar to almost everyone on the planet.

2Na(s) + Cl2(g) → 2NaCl(s)


Physical properties

The white crystalline solid sodium chloride has a density of 2.165 g/mL, melting point 801 °C, and boiling point 1,413 °C. It's also available as saline solutions, which are aqueous solutions with various concentrations.

Chemical properties

Sodium chloride is a stable solid that is easily soluble in water and other polar solvents. It only decomposes at high temperatures, releasing deadly disodium oxide (Na2O) and hydrochloric acid fumes (HCl).

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Sodium chloride uses

A few of the various uses of NaCl are given below.

  • Table salt is sodium chloride, which is commonly used in the food sector for flavour and preservation. Table salt formula is NaCl.

  • It's also used to make things like sodium hydroxide, baking soda, sodium carbonate, hydrochloric acid, and other vital chemicals. It's also used in the textile and rubber sectors, as well as oil refineries, paper and pulp mills, fire retardants, road building, and rubber.

  • The Solvay process is used in the soda ash market to manufacture sodium carbonate.

  • De-icing of roads and sidewalks in snowy and cold areas is another key use of sodium chloride. These saline solutions are also utilised in medicine for a variety of applications.

  • The molecule is also found in cleaning products such as shampoo and toothpaste, as well as water softeners.

  • Sodium chloride injection ip is used to overcome loss of body fluid.

Human Body's Use of Sodium Chloride

Transport and Absorption of Nutrients

In our small intestine, salt and chloride both play an important function. Sodium aids in the absorption of sugar, water, chloride, and amino acids by the body (which are the building blocks of protein).Chloride works as a gastric juice component when it is in the form of hydrochloric acid (hydrogen and chloride). It facilitates digestion and nutrient absorption as well

  • Maintaining resting energy

The electrolytes in the fluid inside and outside of our body cells are sodium and potassium. The way the cells retain the body's energy depends on the balance between these two particles.It also affects how nerves deliver messages to the brain, muscles contract, and the heart beats

  • Maintaining Blood Pressure and Hydration

The brain, kidneys, and adrenal glands collaborate to keep the body's sodium levels in check. Chemical signals cause the kidney to retain water so that surplus water can be excreted in the urine or reabsorbed into the circulation.When our blood contains too much sodium, the brain instructs the kidneys to release more water into the circulation. As a result, blood volume and blood pressure rise When you cut back on salt, you'll absorb less water into your system. As a result, your blood pressure will be decreased. Salt, or sodium chloride, accounts for 75 to 90% of our sodium intake.

Salt contains sodium, an essential mineral that our systems need for processes including blood pressure regulation and food absorption. Salt can also be used to season foods, clean household goods, and treat some medical conditions. According to the American Dietary Guidelines, you should consume no more than 2,300 mg of sodium each day. High blood pressure, heart disease, and kidney disease can all be caused by eating too much salt. Lowering your salt intake while increasing your potassium intake can help reduce your risk of developing those diseases.

Sodium insufficiency is frequently a symptom of a more serious problem. Hyponatremia is the medical term for this disorder. It could be as a result of abnormal antidiuretic hormone secretion) is caused by hormone-balance abnormalities, certain medicines, and certain medical situations. Excessive water consumption, prolonged vomiting or diarrhoea, and the use of diuretics are all possible causes of kidney disease. Excessive and persistent sweating, especially in persons who train and compete in long endurance events like marathons and triathlons, might be a contributing factor.

Before adding more sodium chloride to diet, talk to doctor. Most people consume more than the required amount, but sodium deficit can occur in persons who drink a lot of water, have persistent diarrhoea, or participate in long endurance events. Oral hydration may be beneficial in certain situations. A healthcare expert may need to provide intravenous (IV) saline solution to replenish hydration and electrolytes in more serious situations.

Sodium chloride injection uses

Injections of sodium chloride (23.4%) are used to replace lost water and salt in the body due to various circumstances (eg, hyponatremia or low salt syndrome). It's also utilised as a carbohydrate-containing IV fluid addition for total parenteral nutrition (TPN).

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the use of sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride ( NaCl), generally known as salt, is the basic chemical that our bodies need to absorb and transfer nutrients. Blood pressure is maintained. Maintaining the proper fluid balance.

2. What are some of the applications of saline solution?

Regular saline is the most frequent name for a saline solution, while it is also known as isotonic or physiological saline. Saline has a wide range of uses in medicine. It's used to heal dehydration, clean wounds, and clear sinuses. It can be used topically or given intravenously.

3. Why is sodium chloride's formula NaCl?

Sodium chloride is generated when sodium atoms mix with chlorine atoms. As a result, sodium will transfer an electron (a negatively charged particle) to chlorine. The chemical formula for sodium chloride is NaCl, which means that each sodium atom has exactly one chloride atom.

4. Is it true that sodium chloride kills bacteria?

Sodium chloride has the chemical formula NaCl, which means that each sodium atom possesses exactly one chloride atom. Antibacterial agents are substances that stop bacteria from growing and multiplying.

5. What is the primary chemical make-up of NaCl?

Structure and formula: The chemical formula for sodium chloride is NaCl, and its molar mass is 58.44 g/mol. It's an ionic compound made up of the chloride anion (Cl-) and the sodium cation (Na+).


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