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How Many Hours are There in A Year

How Many Hours are There in A Year

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 20, 2023 03:50 PM IST

While working fast, it is usually hard to keep track of time; in this situation, we usually presume that time is running away. Sometimes our procrastination leads us to say, “we don’t have enough time today for this work.” When viewed as 365 days, it doesn’t seem like much time. But when we look at the number of hours in one year, we soon realise there is a lot of time we can utilise to do something productive. As we know, there are 24 hours a day, so how many hours are there in one year? In this article, we will figure out the number of hours in one year, 365 days. Also, see the method, with some frequently asked questions at the end.

1 Year = 8760 Hours (365 Days)

1 Year = 8784 Hours (366 Days - Leap Year)

Method to Find out How Many Hours are There in A Year

Below are the general steps to figure out the number of hours in n-number of years

  1. Find the number of hours in one day

  2. Find the number of days in n-number of years.

For example: To find the number of days in 3 years

Number of days in 1 year = 365

Hence, the number of days in 3 years =


  1. Multiply the number of hours in one day by the number of days in n-number of years.

Now, Let us find out the number of hours in one year using the above-mentioned steps:

Number of hours in 1 day = 24 hours

Number of days in 1 year = 365 days

Hence, the number of hours in one year =


Leap Year

Usually, February has 28 days, but in a leap year, it has 29 days.

So what is Leap year?

A leap year is a year that occurs once every 4 years and has 366 days, because of the addition of one day in February, instead of the usual 365 days.

In a leap year, we get an extra 24 hours. So now let us find out the number of hours in a leap year in 366 days.

As we know, the number of hours in 365 days is 8760. We will just add another 24 hours in it.

Hence the solution will be:

8760 + 24 = 8784 hours

A total of 8784 hours are there in a Leap year.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Find the number of hours in half a year.

Number of days in half a year = 

Now, the number of hours in 182.5 days = 

2. Do leap years come every year?

No, leap years only come once every four years in February.

3. Why does one day have 24 hours?

Civilisation has more impact in making this conclusion than we think. The 24-hours concept comes from ancient Egyptian civilisation. They divided 10 hours for morning measurements and 12 hours for the night from observation of stars. For the remaining 2 hours, 1 hour was for twilight and another 1 hour for the end of the day.

4. Why are there 356 days in a year?

There are 356 days in a year because it takes 356 days for the earth to orbit the sun, which comprises 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, depending on the earth's distance from the sun.

5. Why does the leap year come after every 4 years?

In a usual year, the number of days is 365.25. Because we only consider 365 days and leave 0.25. Now, we can see that if we add 0.25 days 4 times, we get 1 day, equal to 24 hours. Hence to compromise the loss of 0.25 days every year, we add 1 day every 4 years.

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