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Isotopes and Isobars - Meaning, Definition, Examples, Types, FAQs

Isotopes and Isobars - Meaning, Definition, Examples, Types, FAQs

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jun 27, 2022 04:46 PM IST

What are isotopes and isobars?

Those things have the same number of atoms, but a much different number is called isotopes. Isotopes occur due to the presence of a different number of neutrons in structures with the same atomic number as the weight number of the total number of neutrons and protons. Most but not all substances contain isotopes. Hydrogen isotopes are protium (one proton and no neutron), deuterium (one proton and one neutron) and tritium (one proton and two neutrons). The chemical properties of the Isotopes and Isobars are similar in that they have the same number of protons and that is why the same number of electrons determines the chemical properties of an object.

This Story also Contains
  1. What are isotopes and isobars?
  2. Define isotopes
  3. Define isobar
  4. Physical and chemical properties of Isotopes
  5. Types of Isotopes
  6. Examples of Isotopes and Isobars

Isobars, on the other hand, have atoms with the same number of weights but different atoms.

The atomic number of carbon is 6 and nitrogen is 7 respectively.

Carbon-14 isotope carbon is 14 times the same as nitrogen which is why carbon-14 and nitrogen are isobars.

The atomic number plays a very important role in the placement of elements in the present-day table. Represents the number of protons and therefore the number of electrons in an atom. The number of electrons in an atom controls its chemical activity. Genetic research has revealed their effectiveness in a variety of ways.

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Background wave

Define isotopes

isotope, one of two or more atoms of a chemical substance with the same number of atoms and a timeline and similar chemical behavior but with a variety of atoms and physical structures. Every chemical substance contains one or more isotopes.

Example of Isotopes

Carbon-12, carbon-13, and carbon-14 are three isotopes of elemental carbon with the numbers 12, 13 and 14, respectively

Define isobar

Isobar is a line of thought or a line on a map or chart that connects or marks areas of equal barometric pressure.

Isobar is one or two atoms or objects with the same atomic weight or multiple numbers but different atomic numbers.

Isobars are atoms of different objects that have the same number of numbers but different atomic numbers. For example, two elements of calcium and argon. The number of electrons in these atoms varies, but the maximum number of the two is 40.17

Isobars are types of atoms that have the same number of masses (A), but a different number of atoms (Z).

Examples of isobars

14,6C; 14,8O; 14,7N

What is Isobar in Chemistry?

Isobar is a different organ in the chemical field but has the same physical properties. Therefore, we can say that isobar chemistry are those objects that have a different atomic number but the same number. Their chemical properties are different because there is a difference in the number of electrons. It has the same atomic weight but a different atom does not. This is because the extra number of neutrons compensates for the difference in the number of nucleons. Isobar have same number of protons and neutrons in total. Some Examples of Isotopes and Isobars are steel and nickel. Both have the same plural number 58 and the metal atomic number is 26, and the nickel atomic number is 28.

What are Isotopes?

Let us take the example of two objects of the same color, the same appearance of the body, which you cannot distinguish between the two. But when you weigh the weight of these two things you find that they are different.

You can actually relate the concepts of isotopes with the given example.

Atomic mass is the sum of some protons and the number of neutrons and the number of atoms is equal to the number of protons. In the element, the number of protons remains the same, but the number of neutrons continues to change.

From the above description of the atomic mass and the atomic number, we can conclude that isotopes are those that have the same atomic number and a different number of sizes.

Hydrogen isotopes: There are three hydrogen Isotopes and Isobars and these are protium, deuterium, and tritium.

Definition of Isobar.

Isobars are described as

"Atoms have the same number of nucleons".

Isobars of different types of chemical elements have a different atomic number and have the same atomic mass number.

Alfred Walter Stewart in 1918 proposed the word isobars. It is derived from the Greek word for isos meaning equality and baros means weight.

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What is Isotope?

The term “isotope” basically refers to the separation of the atomic weight or the mass of an object.

Because of the unequal number of neutrons, genetic isotopes usually have a different weight. Normally, objects with an odd atomic number would have one or two stable atoms and objects with atomic values would generally have three or more stable isotopes. However, there are alternatives such as carbon, helium, and beryllium.

Isotope is usually indicated or identified by the name of an object initially followed by a link and a weight number.

Physical and chemical properties of Isotopes

When we talk about the chemical properties of the isotopes of a given object they are almost identical or similar. Different isotopes exhibit almost identical chemical behavior. However, when it comes to the physical properties of isotopes such as mass, the point of melting or boiling, the density, and the point of freezing are all different.

Types of Isotopes

Isotopes are said to be stable or radioactive. Therefore, isotopes that use radio waves are called radioisotopes or radionuclides.

Non-radioactive isotopes are known as stable isotopes or stable nuclides.

According to findings, there are 339 nuclides or isotopes that occur naturally on the planet earth.

Of these, 286 are said to be the largest nuclides believed to have existed since the inception of the Solar System.

Facts of Element Isotopes

Here are some interesting facts about isotopes.

Most organic matter is a combination of several isotopes.

They are also known as Nuclides.

About 1000 volatile isotope currently exist. Some of them occur in nature while others are made in laboratories

About 20 objects have only one stable isotope. A few of them include gold, aluminum, phosphorus, fluorine and sodium.

A variety of isotopes are used in such fields as carbon dioxide, nuclear reactors and therapeutic purposes.

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Examples of Isotopes and Isobars

Examples of Isotope

Common examples are hydrogen and carbon isotopes. Apart from these some of the most common isotope examples include - Tin has 22 isotopes, Zinc has 21 known isotopes, Neon is a mixture of 3 isotopes, natural xenon has a combination of 9 isotopes stable, Nickel has 14 known isotopes.

Isobars examples

Argon, potassium, and calcium with atoms of the same number 40.

18Ar40, 19K40, 20Ca40 where 18, 19 and 20 shown as payloads are the atomic numbers of three things in a row are isobars. As atomic numbers are different their chemical properties are also different. The word isotope is derived from two Greek words that isos and topos continue to translate “in the same place”. So the idea of using this term is that the isotopes of a single object are found in the same place in the timeline. The term was first used by Margaret Todd, a Scottish physician, and author during a consultation with radiochemist doctor Frederick Soddy. The name was coined in 1913.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. 1.Name three oxygen isotopes.

 16O, 17O, and 18O.

2. 2.How are isotopes formed?

Atoms have same number of protons but different number of neutrons along with protons are called isotopes.

3. 3.Give some examples of stable isotopes.

Vanadium, carbon, calcium, potassium are stable isotopes.

4. 4.What radiation is the unstable isotope emitting?

Unstable isotopes emit alpha, beta and gamma rays

5. 5.What are isobars?

The atoms that have the same number of nucleons. Isobars of different chemical elements have different atomic numbers but have the same mass number.

6. 6.Give some examples of isobars.

 40S, 40Ar, 40Ca. 40Cl, and 40K.


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