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Resonance - Definition, Types, Examples, FAQs

Resonance - Definition, Types, Examples, FAQs

Edited By Vishal kumar | Updated on Sep 24, 2024 01:36 PM IST

Resonance Definition Physics: Explain Resonance

Some systems in physics have a tendency to oscillate with increased amplitude at a specific frequency, and this is known as resonance. The natural frequency of an object when it tends to vibrate at a higher amplitude is known as Resonant frequency.. The occurrence of resonance is linked to many types of vibrations or waves. Mechanical, sound and electromagnetic wave functions can all cause resonance.

This Story also Contains
  1. Resonance Definition Physics: Explain Resonance
  2. What is resonance?
  3. Types of Resonance Physics
  4. Some Resonance Examples
Resonance - Definition, Types, Examples, FAQs
Resonance - Definition, Types, Examples, FAQs

Acoustic systems like musical instruments and the human voice were the first to be studied for resonance. The vibration created in a violin or piano string of a specific pitch when a musical note of the same pitch is sung or played nearby is an example of acoustical resonance.

NCERT Physics Notes:

Background wave

What is resonance?

Resonance Definition: Resonance meaning is forced motion in tune with a system's natural oscillation frequency, also known as the resonant frequency. When you drive the system in the appropriate direction, it creates resonance and raises its amplitude. Every object has a unique resonant frequency.

Types of Resonance Physics

There are several types of resonance physics, including:

  • Mechanical Resonance physics
  • Acoustic Resonance physics
  • Electrical resonance physics
  • Optical Resonance physics

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Some Resonance Examples

Instruments of Music: What is the natural frequency?

The best instances of resonance can be found in a wide range of musical instruments. When someone knocks, strikes, strums, drums, or tweaks a musical instrument, it is set into oscillation or vibration at the instrument's natural frequency of vibration. The harmonics of a musical instrument are the natural frequencies of the instrument in question. The first object can be compelled to vibrate at a frequency higher than its natural harmonic frequency if a second interconnected object or instrument vibrates or oscillates at that specific frequency. Resonance occurs when one thing vibrates or oscillates at the natural frequency of another object, causing the other object to vibrate at a frequency higher than its natural frequency.


Soldiers marching across the bridge are told to take frequent breaks since their rhythmic marching can produce significant vibrations at the bridge's inherent frequency. If the synchronized footfall resonates with the bridge's natural frequency, the bridge may fall apart. The Tacoma Bridge Collapse is an example of the above, in which the frequency of the air matched the frequency of the bridge, resulting in its demise.


When pressing the swing, remember that the push should be supplied at the same interval as the swing's natural rotation, and then the swing's dimension will only increase. That is, whenever the hammock deviates from its normal position. If it is pushed on a different frequency without taking into account the factors discussed above, the effect can be very low, zero, or even negative.


A laser is an electromagnetic wave with the unique property of being very convergent, meaning that the frequency of all of its photons is equal to or very close to one. Furthermore, the phases of all vibrations are the same. Optical resonance in an optical cavity is also used to create the laser.

The Resonance Principle

If the resonance of frequency of a linear oscillator is and it is driven by a source frequency, the strength of the oscillations may be calculated using the equation:



  • L is the inductor and
  • C is the capacitance

Also to find the resonant frequency of a single continuous-wave



  • v is wave velocity and
  • λ is the distance of wavelength and
  • f is the resonant frequency.

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Important Resonance Elements: -

Three elements are required for the occurrence of Resonance:

1. When an object is vibrating at the natural frequency of a second object.

2. A driving force with the same frequency as the system's natural frequency.

3. The factors that can deplete the system's energy must be kept to a minimum.

(Note: Friction, Viscosity, and Resistance are some of the elements that cause energy loss in a system.)

Resonance frequency consequences: -

The resonant frequency has the following consequences:

1. Vibrating an object at its natural frequency is simple, but vibrating an object at the opposite frequency is difficult.

2. A vibrating item selects from complex excitation only the frequency that is equal to its own frequency. As a result, it functions as a Filter.

3. Resonant frequencies are found in most vibrating items.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. In Physics, what is a resonance?

Resonance occurs when one object vibrates at the same natural frequency as another, causing the second object to vibrate. The word resonance is derived from the Latin word "resound," which means "to sound out together with a loud sound."

2. What are the applications of resonance?

Resonance might help you figure out a frequency that you don't know. In musical instruments, resonance is used to boost the volume of the sound. The use of resonance to tune a radio receiver to any desired frequency is very beneficial. When analysing musical notes, resonance is useful.

3. Why does resonance cause amplitude to increase?

A periodic force drives a harmonic oscillator at its inherent frequency, causing resonance. The device, it is believed, resonates. The greater the amplitude of the near resonance induced oscillations, the less damping a system has. The more damping a mechanism has, the wider its response to various driving frequencies becomes.

The resonant frequency is the oscillation of a device at its natural or unforced resonance. Resonance occurs when a device, like a simple pendulum, is able to store and rapidly transfer energy between several storage types, such as Kinetic and Potential energy.

The definition of resonance is that the circuit will either consume or dissipate the total amount of energy when it reaches resonance. As a result, the circuit consumes more power than all other impinging frequencies from this impinging frequency.

4. What is the significance of resonance vibration?

Resonance is a phenomenon that causes a vibration to be amplified. When a vibration is transmitted to another object whose inherent frequency is equal to or extremely similar to that of the source, this phenomenon occurs.

5. What is the human body's resonant frequency?

A frequency of around 5 Hz. Long-term exposures, especially at its resonant frequency, may induce unnecessary stress and discomfort in the human body. Many researchers discovered the human whole-body fundamental resonance frequency to be around 5 Hz after evaluating the response of the human body on a vibrating platform.


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