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Difference Between Land Breeze and Sea Breeze - A Complete Guide

Difference Between Land Breeze and Sea Breeze - A Complete Guide

Edited By Vishal kumar | Updated on Sep 24, 2024 06:04 PM IST


In this article, we will be discussing the difference between the land breeze and sea breeze

Note: cool breeze meaning in Hindi is ठंडी हवा, land breeze meaning in Hindi is भूमि की हवा.

Difference between land and sea breeze:

When we go near a water body in the evening, we all feel very relaxed and enjoy the cool breeze blowing near the water body. On the contrary, if we go near a water body during the day time when it is scorching heat, we feel cooler by putting our feet into the water rather than standing bare feet on the ground. This happens due to the land breeze and sea breeze. Have you ever wondered why we feel such a difference between the temperature of the land and the water body when the same Sun is heating them up? Okay, let us find the reason for it. Even though the sun warms up both water and land, the pace at which water absorbs the heat is not the same as the land. Due to this difference in heating the formation of land and sea breeze takes place.

This Story also Contains
  1. Introduction
  2. Difference between land and sea breeze:
  3. What is the difference between wind and breeze?
  4. Types of breeze
  5. When does land breeze occur?
  6. How do we define Sea Breeze?
  7. Difference between Sea breeze and Land breeze
Difference Between Land Breeze and Sea Breeze - A Complete Guide
Difference Between Land Breeze and Sea Breeze - A Complete Guide

The Sun heats up both the land and the water body but the capacity of absorbing the heat by both the land and water are different. This leads to a temperature difference between the land and the water body. Due to this temperature difference we have two different breezes near a water body. This temperature difference of land and water leads to changes in the densities of the air above them. This results in low pressure and the alternate movement of the air results in a breeze. Within a range of 50 kilometres, a cool sea breeze can be felt during the daytime and a warm land breeze at night.

Background wave

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What is the difference between wind and breeze?

Now, let us find what we understand by a breeze. When the wind blows very moderate or mild, we can say it is a breeze. Let us also define Wind. Wind is air in motion. It is produced by the uneven heating of the Earth’s surface by the Sun. Since the surface of the Earth is made of various land and water formations, it absorbs the Sun’s radiation unevenly. We can specify wind on two parameters i.e. speed and direction of air. Due to the uneven heating of land and water we have differential heating of the atmosphere at different places creating low and high pressure areas. This causes the wind to blow. When the air is heated, it rises. Also due to the rotation of Earth and the presence of the mountain ranges helps in the formation of wind and the blowing direction.

Types of breeze

Based on the temperature difference we have two types of breeze.

1. Land Breeze

2. Sea Breeze

Now, let us find more about these different types of breezes.

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How do we define Land Breeze?

The breeze that blows from the land toward the sea after the Sunsets is known as a land breeze. We know that the land cools more quickly than the ocean, hence cooling the air above it. Now, the warmer air above the water surface continues to rise up and the cooler air from the land replaces it resulting in the breeze. We also refer to it as the offshore breeze.

When does land breeze occur?

Most of the time, it occurs during the night or early morning when the land air is cooler than the sea air. Generally, the land breeze lasts longer during the last weeks of summer as at this time the temperature of the sea will gradually increase to the land’s daily temperature variations.

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How do we define Sea Breeze?

Generally, the Sea breeze occurs during hot, summer days due to the unequal heating rates of land and water. During the day, the surface of the land heats up faster than the surface of the water. As a result, the air above the land is warmer than the air above the sea. We know this fact that warmer air is lighter than cooler air. During the day, the Sun heats up both the surface of the sea and the land. The wind will be blowing from the higher pressure over the water to lower pressure over the land resulting in sea breeze. The strength of the sea breeze varies depending on the temperature difference between the land and sea. Sea breezes are not that frequent during the autumn and winter months because the temperature differentials are smaller.

Now, we are able to distinguish between the land and sea breeze. Let us find the differences between these two.

NCERT Physics Notes :

Difference between Sea breeze and Land breeze



Sea Breeze

Land Breeze



The wind blows from the sea towards the land. It is commonly known as on-shore wind.

The wind blows from the land towards the sea. It is commonly known as off-shore wind.



Generally, it occurs during the day time.

Generally, it occurs during early mornings or at night time.



We can experience it during the summer or spring season.

We can experience it during winter or autumn.



It is usually very deep.

It is usually very shallow.



Its speed is fast and ranges from 10 to 20 knots.

Its speed is usually lower and ranges from 5 to 8 knots.


Temperature of air

The air temperature is usually lower during sea breeze.

The air temperature usually remains the same.


Moisture content

Since it blows from the sea, it contains more moisture in it.

Since it blows from land, it is usually dry.



Due to the greater temperature difference, it is stronger.

Due to less temperature difference, it is comparatively weaker.


During Winter

It is not observed during the winter season.

It is more observed during the winter season.

From the above discussion, we have understood that both the land and sea breeze occur near the coastal areas. Both land and sea breeze contribute to the humidity levels, precipitation rates and also to atmospheric temperature. Also, the land breezes are slower than the sea breeze and comparatively weaker. As an outcome of these breezes, the places near the sea do not have a lot of variations in the temperature but the inland places have comparatively a wide temperature change.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the different types of breezes?

The different types of breezes are land and sea breezes.

2. When does sea breeze occur?

It generally occurs during the day time. During the day, the surface of the land heats up faster than the surface of the water. So, the air above the land is warmer than the air above the sea.

3. When does land breeze occur?

It occurs during the night or early morning when the land air is cooler than the sea air.

4. Define breeze.

Breeze is nothing but the moderate blow of air.

5. Distinguish between sea breeze and land breeze.

The breeze that blows from the land toward the sea after the Sun sets is known as land breeze. Sea breeze occurs during hot, summer days because of the unequal heating rates of land and water.


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