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Newtons First Law of Motion - Definition, Examples, FAQs

Newtons First Law of Motion - Definition, Examples, FAQs

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jun 08, 2022 05:22 PM IST

A constant continuous force, according to Aristotle, is essential to keep a body in uniform motion. It's known as Aristotle's Fallacy, and Newton's Laws fall within this category.
Newton's three principles of motion are three physical rules that together constitute the foundation of classical mechanics. The three laws of motion define the relationship between the body as well as forces that operate on it, as well as the motion of the body in response to those forces.

State newton’s first law of motion? or Newton’s law of motion first law definition or State the first law of motion-

Newton definition or first law of motion definition: Newton's law of motion first law is also known as the Law of inertia of Galileo. Unless driven by external forces to change its state, the body remains in its state of rest or a uniform motion in a straight line. The law defines force and specifies it as a factor that can modify the object's state.

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Inertia is the property of an organ because it is against any change in its condition. A body's mass is the measure of its translation movement inertia. The state of rest or uniform movement of a heavier mass and vice versa is difficult to change.

Newton first law of motion

(a) Bodily mass is a measurement of body inertia, quantifiable or numerical.

(a) The more the body's inertia, the bigger its mass will be.
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Newton’s first law of motion examples (newton’s first law example)

1) Resting inertia: a body cannot change its own repository.


(a) The mangoes fall when we shake a mango branch tree.

(b) The passengers sitting inside tend to reverse when a bus or train abruptly starts.

(c) The rider falls back when a horse begins suddenly.

(d) When it is beaten with a stick dust particles come off in a blanket.

(e) a coin on the carton is placed, and this carton is placed over a tumbler to put the coin over the tumbler's mouth. Now, when the carton is suddenly removed, the coin falls into the tumbler.

2) Motion inertia: An organism cannot alter its regular movement status itself.


(a) The passengers are leaning up when a bus or train stops suddenly.

(b) An individual who is sapping off the train can fall in the direction of the forward.

(c) Before tossing the ball a bowler runs it such that at the moment of throw, this running speed is increased to the ball speed.

(d) A sportsman passes a given distance and jumps a long way, as the speed acquired throughout the running increases at the time of the jump to a sportsman's speed, and so can jump over a longer distance.

(e) A passenger sitting within a moving train throws a ball skyward. The ball is going to fall:

  • return to the passenger's hands if the train moves at the same speed
  • if the train delays before the passenger (slowing down)
  • If the train accelerates behind the passenger (speeding up)

3) Director's inertia: the body cannot alter its movement direction.


(a) The person sitting therein feels a radially outward force when a straight, running car rotates rapidly.

(b) Rotating vehicle wheels spew mud out, the mudguard fitted over the wheels avoided the propagation of this muck.

(c) The sparks produced migrate in the tangential direction when an edge of a knife is placed against a slit.

NCERT Physics Notes:

Newton’s first law of motion class 9 in daily life –

(a) A little coin is placed on a card and on glass. The coin falls into the glass if the card is flickered away.

(b) We are in a halted bus suppose. When it abruptly begins to move, we'll experience a reverse. Because our body is in contact with the bus seat and moves in the bus's movement, while the upper part of our body remains in the rest owing to inertia so that we feel the jolt backwards.

(c) Similarly, it should continue to move uniformly when we push a ball on the ground but stops after a specified distance has been covered. When the ball begins to move, a force (friction force) comes into play that counteracts the ball movement.

(d) A book that lies on a table cannot change its position on its own without the use of a force to modify its position.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. What are the normal strength characteristics?

It's always a force perpendicular to the contact surface.

2. What is the prerequisite for Newton's first motion law?

The newton’s law of motion first law stipulates that a cause – a net external force — to exist to alter speeds, in magnitude or direction. The net force of friction acting on the object causes an object that slides over a table or floor.

3. What is the first motion law of Newton's name?

The first law of motion of Newton: inertia law

The law of inertia is called this postulate. If a basketball player shoots a jump, the ball is on the arcing trail always. The ball follows this course because it obeys the principles of movement of Isaac Newton.

4. What is Newton’s 1st law of motion applications?

A moving individual will stay in motion at the same rate and directions unless the imbalanced strength of a seat belt is used in this way. Yes! Passengers whose motion shall be subject to Newton's laws are protected by seat belts.

5. What is the equation of Newton second law of motion?


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