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Light Sources - Natural Light Sources, Artificial Light Sources, FAQs

Light Sources - Natural Light Sources, Artificial Light Sources, FAQs

Edited By Vishal kumar | Updated on Nov 27, 2024 09:27 AM IST

Everything that we observe in our surroundings is a result of light. Human eyes are sensitive to between 390 and 700 NM, which is a specific frequency of electromagnetic radiation, also known as light. Even when we focus on a single leaf, we are already aware of its green colour since light reflects off of it and reaches our eyes, indicating its colour. In this article of Physics, we will be studying types of light, sources of light, natural sources of light, artificial sources of light, light source, what is a light source, artificial light, point source of light, and examples of natural sources of light.

What is Light?

Light exhibits a dual nature. It shows the properties of both waves and particles. According to wave theory, light is made up of a bundle of electromagnetic fields that carry a specific amount of energy.

According to particle theory, light is made up of particles called photons.

Types of Light Source

We have a lot of sources of light, but all of them can be categorised under two categories.

  • Natural Light Sources

Background wave

In simple words, natural light is the light that is generated by a natural source. The universe is filled with numerous sources of light. The emitted light from a few sources of light reaches the Earth. The following natural light sources emit light: The Sun is one of the major sources of light of the earth. Also, the Sun is the main light source for the entire Solar System. In the sun, heat and light are produced by a process called Nuclear Fusion.

Many other stars also produce light, but only a small amount or no amount from them reaches the earth because of the large distance. The moon does not have its own light. So, it reflects the light from the Sun and acts as one of the natural light sources on the Earth.

Bioluminescence - Some living organisms produce light by a chemical reaction that occurs within them.[Another natural light source]
For Example- Fireflies, jellyfish, glowworms, some microorganisms and deep-sea plants.

Volcanic eruptions & Lightning also emit light.

Examples of natural sources of light or name two natural sources of light- Sun, Stars, etc.

  • Artificial Light Sources or Man-Made Sources of Light

Apart from natural light sources, there are different artificial light sources that emit light. The different artificial light sources can be put the following categories

Incandescent Sources

When certain objects are heated to a high temperature, they begin to emit both infrared and visible light in the process.

Example- Candles, and incandescent lamps.

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Luminescent Sources

By bypassing current (i.e., by accelerating charges in a luminescent material.) Through the material, light can be produced.

Example- Fluorescent tube light, electric bulb

Gas Discharge Sources

Light can be produced/created by passing electricity across a certain gas at very low pressure.

Example – Neon lamp, Sodium lamp.

Torch, Candle, Bulb, Lamp, etc. are examples of artificial sources of light.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the different types of light sources?

Natural sources & Artificial Sources

2. What are the sources of light energy?

Sun, Flame, Electric Bulb, etc. are the sources of light energy.

3. Distinguish between the natural and artificial sources of light.

Natural light comes from natural sources like the Sun. Whereas artificial light comes from artificial sources like Torch.

4. How many types of light sources are there? And name the two sources of light.

Two types of sources of light-

Natural & Artificial Sources.

Two sources of light-



5. Name 10 artificial sources of light.
  • Candle

  • Lamp

  • Bulb

  • Torch

  • LED’s

  • Lighter

  • Fire

  • Lasers

  • Flame by matches

  • Light from TV’s & Phone

These are also known as different types of artificial  light.

6. Is the moon a natural source of light?

The moon does not have its own light. So, it reflects the light from the Sun and acts as one of the  natural light sources on the Earth.

7. Write the light source definition.

A light source is anything that produces a light. Or we can also say that light originates from light sources.

8. Functions of light in the natural world.

It helps our body to produce Vitamin D, it improves the immune system, sleeps, it even makes us happier.


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