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Doppler Effect - Definition, Formula, Examples, Uses, FAQs

Doppler Effect - Definition, Formula, Examples, Uses, FAQs

Edited By Vishal kumar | Updated on Nov 12, 2024 07:12 PM IST

The Doppler Effect is a fascinating phenomenon observed when the source of a sound or light wave moves relative to an observer, leading to a change in the perceived frequency of the wave. The Doppler Effect is used in radar technology, medical imaging, and even in determining blood flow velocity in arteries. In this article, we will discuss what is Doppler Effect class 11, the Doppler effect in light, redshift, and blueshift, the Doppler effect formula, application of Doppler effect with solved examples.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is Doppler Effect Class 11 and Explain Doppler Effect?
  2. Doppler Effect Formula
  3. Doppler Effect in Light
  4. Red Shift
  5. Blue Shift
  6. Application Of Doppler Effect
  7. Limitations Of the Doppler Effect
  8. Solved Examples Based on the Doppler Effect
Doppler Effect - Definition, Formula, Examples, Uses, FAQs
Doppler Effect - Definition, Formula, Examples, Uses, FAQs

What is Doppler Effect Class 11 and Explain Doppler Effect?

Doppler effect definition: The Doppler Effect is the change in the frequency or wavelength of a wave about an observer who is moving relative to the wave source. It occurs when the source of the wave (such as sound, light, or other waves) and the observer are in motion relative to each other.

Whenever there is a relative motion between a source of sound and the listener, the apparent frequency/wavelength of sound heard by the listener is different from the actual frequency/wavelength of sound emitted by the source.

When the distance between the source and listener is increasing the apparent frequency decreases. It means the apparent frequency is less than the actual frequency of sound. The reverse of this process is also true.

Doppler Effect Formula

The general expression for apparent frequency



  • f is the observed frequency
  • f is the actual frequency of the source
  • v is the speed of sound in the medium
  • vo is the speed of the observer
  • vs is the speed of the source
Background wave

Now, for different conditions, the value of apparent frequency will change.

There are some sign conventions for the velocities:

Along the direction Source to Listener is taken as positive and all velocities along the direction Listener to Source are taken as negative.

If the velocity of the medium is zero then the formula becomes

f=fv+vlistener vvsource 

Also, read

Doppler Effect in Sound Waves Formula For Some Important Cases (v is the speed of sound in medium)

(1) The source is moving towards the listener and the listener at rest then the formula becomes

f=f(vvvsource )

The sound waves are compacted as the source is moving towards the listener which increases the observed frequency in comparison with the source frequency.

(2) The source is moving away from the listener and the listener is at rest

f=f(vv+vsource )

As the source is moving away from the listener the sound waves are spread thus decreasing the observed frequency relative to the original frequency.

(3) The source is at rest but the listener is moving away from the source f=f(vvlistener v)

f decreases compared to the source frequency f

(4) The source is at rest but the listener is moving toward the source

f=f(v+vlistener v)

As the listener is moving towards the source, observed frequency f increases compared to the actual frequency.

(5) When the Source and listener are approaching each other

f=f(v+vlistener vvsource )

The observed frequency f increases as compared to source frequency when both the source and listener are moving towards each other

(6) When the Source and listener move away from each other

f=f(vvlistener v+vsource )

The observed frequency f decreases compared to the source frequency when the source and the listener are moving away from each other.

Note - Source and listener move perpendicular to the direction of sound wave propagation i.e., f = f. It means there is no change in the frequency of the sound heard for the small displacement of the source and listener at a right angle to the direction of wave propagation but this is not true for large displacement. For a large displacement, the frequency decreases because the distance between the source of sound and the listener increases.

Doppler Effect in Light

In light of the observed frequency changes in connection with the relative motion of the source and listener. This is seen in two phenomena- red shift and blue shift.

Doppler effect in a light formula





  • f is the observed frequency
  • f is the source frequency
  • λ is the observed wavelength
  • λ is the source wavelength
  • v is the relative velocity between the source and observer
  • c is the speed of light in a vacuum
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Red Shift

Consider the source is moving away from the observer. The observed wavelength increases while the source moves away shifting towards the red end of the light spectrum and frequency decreases. This phenomenon is called redshift.

Using relativistic formula,


Blue Shift

When the source is moving towards the observer the observed frequency becomes shorter and shifts to the blue side of the spectrum.


Using relativistic formula,



  • z is the redshift parameter
  • λ is the observed wavelength (longer, shifted towards red)
  • λ is the original wavelength of the source
  • v is the relative velocity of the source moving away from the observer
  • c is the speed of light in a vacuum

Application Of Doppler Effect

The Doppler effect is used in the following ways:

  1. The Doppler effect (redshift and blueshift) is used to find the relative motion of celestial bodies.
  2. It helps in identifying the speed, distance, and direction of planets and stars relative to Earth.
  3. The Doppler effect is used in Doppler ultrasound to measure blood flow and heart function.
  4. The Doppler effect is used in LIDAR systems
  5. The Doppler effects are also used to study seismic waves.

Limitations Of the Doppler Effect

  1. The Doppler effect only happens when there is a relative motion between the source and the observer.
  2. The Doppler effect in sound waves depends on the medium.
  3. The Doppler effect formula is inaccurate at high relative velocities which is close to the speed of light.

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Solved Examples Based on the Doppler Effect

Example 1: An observer is moving with half the speed of light towards a stationary microwave source emitting waves at a frequency of 10 GHz. What is the frequency of the microwave measured by the observer? (speed of light=3×108 ms−1)

1) 10.1 GHz

2) 12.1 GHz

3) 17.3 GHz

4) 15.3 GHz


Doppler Effect

When a source of sound and a listener are in motion relative to each other, the frequency of the sound heard by the listener is not the same as the source frequency.

Doppler effect in light


Hence, the answer is the option (3).

Example 2: An observer moves towards a stationary source of sound, with a velocity one­ fifth of the velocity of sound. What is the percentage( in % ) increase in the apparent frequency?

1) 20

2) 5

3) 0

4) 0.5


By Doppler's effect

v=ν(vs+v0vs)=ν+ν5v=6ν5 Fractional increase =vvv=651=15 Percentage increase =15×100=20%

Hence, the answer is the option (1).

Example 3: Two sources of sounds S1 and S2 produce sound waves of the same frequency 660 Hz. A listener is moving from source S1 towards S2 with a constant speed of u m/s and he hears 10 beats/s. The velocity of sound is 330 m/s. Then, u (in m/s) equals:

1) 2.5

2) 15.0

3) 5.5

4) 10


Doppler Effect

When a source of the sound and a listener are in motion relative to each other, the frequency of the sound heard by the listener is not the same as the source frequency.

f0=660H2f1= apparent frequency received from S1=CuCf0f2= apparent frequency received from S2=C+uCf0f2f1=[C+uCCuC]f0 beat frequency =2uCf0=102u×660330=10u=10×3302×660=2.5 m/s

Hence, the answer is the option (1).

Example 4: A source of sound emits sound waves at frequency f0. It is moving towards an observer with fixed speed vs(vs<v, where v is the speed of sound in air) If the observer were to move towards the source with speed v0, one of the following two graphs (A and B) will give the correct variation of the frequency f heard by the observer as v0 is changed.

The variation of f with v0 is given correctly by :

1. Graph A with slope =f0(ννs)
2. Graph A with slope =f0(ν+νs)
3. Graph B with slope =f0(ννs)
4. Graph B with slope =f0(ν+νs)


Frequency of sound when source and observer are moving toward each other

ν=ν0C+V0CVs wherein C= Speed of sound V0= Speed of observer Vs= Speed of source ν0= Original Frequency ν= apparent frequency 

Graph A with slope =f0(νVs)

Hence, the answer is the option (1).

Example 5: A whistle producing sound waves of frequencies 9500 Hz and above is approaching a stationary person with speed ν ms-1 The velocity of sound in air is 300 ms-1. If the person can hear frequencies up to a maximum of 10000 Hz, the maximum value of ν up to which he can hear the whistle is :

1) 30 ms−1
2) 152 ms−1
3) 15/2 ms−1
4) 15 ms−1


Frequency of sound when the observer is stationary and the source is moving towards the observer -


C= the speed of sound
Vs= speed of source
ν0= original frequency
ν= apparent frequency


Where Vs is the velocity of sound in air.

100009500=300300v(300v)=285v=15 m/s

Hence the answer is the option (4).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Give any 5 doppler effect examples.
  • Doppler effect is applicable for light as well as sound waves. 

  • Most people get confused about the applicability of the doppler effect in light waves. 

     RADAR uses the doppler effect in the detection of objects and obstacles.
  • Doppler effect is applicable while we are waiting for a bus, an ambulance passes us by. We listen to the diminishing sound of the siren while it goes away from us.

  • In Medicine, doctors use the doppler principle by using an echocardiogram to analyze blood flow velocity at any particular time.

  • In submarines, the doppler effect is used to calculate the speed 

  • In astronomy, the speed of galaxies and stars is estimated by using the doppler principle.

2. Give Blue Shift definition.

Blueshift is defined as the increase in frequency and therefore, a decrease in the wavelength of source with respect to the observer. It is called Blue because in the visible spectrum blue color has the highest frequency and hence low wavelength. 

Blueshift is used to determine the velocities with which the galaxies and stars are moving.

3. What is the doppler effect?

Doppler effect is the shift in frequency of sound sources with respect to the observer. Doppler effect is observed in sound as well as a light wave. It was given by Johann Doppler in 1842.

  • Write  the apparent velocity definition.

The apparent velocity is the true velocity when the surface is parallel to the refractor. 

4. Define the doppler effect and the doppler principle.

Doppler principle states that there is a shift in the original frequency of the objects in the point of the observer. This new frequency is known as apparent frequency. This shift in frequency is given by-

f=(c±v')/(c±v'') f'

Where v’ is the frequency of the observer and v’’ is the frequency of the wave.

5. What are the limitations of the doppler effect?

Limitations of the doppler effect are as follows-

The velocity of the observer and source of the wave should not be at rest.

If the velocity of sound and observer is greater than the velocity of light, the doppler effect will not be observed.


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