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Mu Naught Value - Definition, Unit, Types, FAQs

Mu Naught Value - Definition, Unit, Types, FAQs

Edited By Vishal kumar | Updated on Nov 26, 2024 04:59 PM IST

Magnetic permeability is a fundamental property of materials that describes how easily they get magnetized when subjected to a magnetic field. To describe the magnetic properties of a given substance, we require some quantities which include a quantity called magnetic permeability denoted as μ which is pronounced as the mew symbol or mu or meu sign. Hence in magnetism, mu means magnetic permeability. It quantifies the ability of a material to support the formation of the magnetic field within itself. In this article, we will come across three types of magnetic permeability. Also, we will learn about topics like basic principles, mathematical descriptions, and factors affecting magnetic permeability in this article.

This Story also Contains
  1. Magnetic Permeability Definition
  2. Relation Between μ, B, and H
  3. Unit and Dimensions of Magnetic Permeability
  4. Types of Magnetic Permeability
  5. Value of μ (Relative Permeability) for Different Types of Materials
  6. Relationship Between Magnetic Permeability μr and Magnetic Susceptibility (χm)
  7. Factors Affecting Magnetic Permeability
  8. Applications Of Magnetic Permeability In Technology
Mu Naught Value - Definition, Unit, Types, FAQs
Mu Naught Value - Definition, Unit, Types, FAQs

Magnetic Permeability Definition

Magnetic permeability (μ) is the ability to measure the degree of penetration of the magnetic field through the medium. It also measures the capacity of the substance to take magnetism. However, to define magnetic permeability, we must know about magnetic field strength/ magnetic induction denoted by ‘B’, and magnetic field intensity denoted by ‘H’.

  • Magnetic intensity (H) is the degree to which a magnetic field can magnetize a material. S.I. unit of H is Ampere/meter (A/m)
  • It can also be measured in oersted. Note: 1 A/m is equal to 0.012566 Oersted.
  • Magnetic induction (B) also called magnetic flux density is the force experienced by a unit positive charge moving with a velocity perpendicular to the magnetic field. This definition for B has come from the formula of Lorentz force.
  • S.I. unit of B is Tesla or Weber /m2 and C.G.S. unit is Gauss (G) where 1G=104 T.

Relation Between μ, B, and H

We know that BH

B=μH, where is μ the constant of proportionality and stands for magnetic permeability.

Thus, we can define magnetic permeability as the ratio of magnetic field induction (B) to the magnetic intensity (H).



  • μ is the permeability
  • B is the magnetic flux density
  • H is the magnetic field strength
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Unit and Dimensions of Magnetic Permeability

  • The S.I. unit of μ

The unit for magnetic permeability is WbA1 m1.


B =Wb/m2

H =A/m

The unit of magnetic permeability is


Unit of μ =Wb/m2 A/m


Unit of μ=1WbA1 m1

  • Another unit is Henry per meter ( H/m ).

B=T (Tesla)

H=A/m (Ampere per meter)

Now, the unit of μ (magnetic permeability) is:

μ=TA m=kg m s2 A A m
So, the unit of μ is:

μ=H m

  • Another unit of μ is Newton per ampere square (NA2) or Tesla meter per ampere (TmA1).

B=T (Tesla)

H=A/m (Ampere per meter)

Now the unit of μ=TmA


1 T=1 N m A m2=1 N A m
Unit of μ=TmA
Unit of μ=1 N A m
Unit of μ=1 N A2

Dimensional Formula For Magnetic Permeability In Free Space

The magnetic permeability in free space μ0=4π×107H/m
Dimensional formula:

1H=1 kg m2 s2 A2
We know that,

μ0=1H/m=1 kg m2 s2 A2 m=kg m s2 A2
The dimensional formula of magnetic permeability of free space,

μ0=M L T2I2

Types of Magnetic Permeability

We will come across three types of magnetic permeability i.e. magnetic permeability in vacuum (μ0)or permeability of free space, the magnetic permeability of medium (μ), and relative magnetic permeability (μr).

  • Magnetic permeability of free space (μ0)- It is the ratio of magnetic induction in free space to magnetic intensity,

i.e. B0=μ0Hμ0=B0H

The value of μ0=4π×107 Wb A1 m1

  • Permeability of medium (μ)- It is the ratio of magnetic field induction in the medium to the magnetic intensity.


  • Relative permeability (μr)- It is defined as the ratio of the magnetic permeability of a medium to the magnetic permeability of free space or vacuum.


Relative permeability of a material can also be defined as the ratio of the number of magnetic field lines per unit area (flux density i.e. B) in that material to the number of magnetic field lines per unit area that would be present if the material is replaced by vacuum ( flux density in a vacuum i.e. B0).

As both the quantities involved in the above equations have the same unit, therefore relative permeability has no units and is a dimensionless quantity. It is just a number.

Value of μ (Relative Permeability) for Different Types of Materials

Based on based on magnetic properties, Faraday classified materials into three categories. These are-

  1. Diamagnetic materials

  2. Paramagnetic materials

  3. Ferromagnetic materials

Let us briefly understand each of these based on their mu values.

Diamagnetic materials

  • These materials have atoms that don’t possess their magnetic moment.
  • When these materials are placed in an eternal applied field, they get slightly magnetized, and that too in the opposite direction to the applied magnetic field.
  • Examples are- diamond, bismuth, gold, silver, copper, water, mercury, alcohol, nitrogen, hydrogen including all inert gases, etc.

Diamagnetic material

  • When we place a diamagnetic specimen th in a magnetizing field, the field lines do not prefer to pass through the specimen material.

Hence, μr= negative and it is less than 1.

This is because,


μ<1 (The relative permeability value for diamagnets is always less than 1 )

Paramagnetic materials

  • These materials have non-zero net magnetic moments of their own.
  • When they are placed in an external applied magnetic field, they get magnetized in the same direction as the applied magnetic field.
  • In the absence of an external magnetic field, paramagnets do not behave like magnets. The reason behind this is that their net magnetic moment per unit volume becomes equal to zero because of the random arrangement of their magnetic moments of atoms.
  • Examples are- Tungsten, oxygen, sodium, aluminum, chromium, manganese, lithium, magnesium, potassium, platinum, etc.

Paramagnetic material

  • In the case of paramagnetic materials, the magnetic field lines prefer to pass through the specimen rather than through the air.

Thus, B>B0BB0>1

μr>1 ( μr values for paramagnetic are always greater than 1).

Ferromagnetic materials

  • These materials have their permanent magnetic moment like that of paramagnetic materials.
  • When they are placed in an external magnetic field, they get strongly magnetized in the direction of the applied external magnetic field. Hence they start behaving as magnets even if the external magnetic field is removed or not present.
  • Examples are- iron, cobalt, nickel, gadolinium, and other alloys

Ferromagnetic Material

  • Ferromagnetic materials show all the properties of paramagnetic materials but in a better way and to a much greater degree.

Thus, the μr value is very high in these materials i.e. μr=103 to 105.

Note: there is a B-H graph or hysterisis curve for all magnetic materials discussed above, the slope of which gives us the curve’s incremental permeability. Hysteresis loops are also plotted in the B-H graph for ferromagnetic materials. The B-H graph for all three magnetic materials is given below.

B-H graph for all magnetic materials

Relationship Between Magnetic Permeability μr and Magnetic Susceptibility (χm)

  • Magnetic susceptibility is a property of a substance that tells us how easily a material can be magnetized when it is placed in an external magnetic field. It is denoted by χm (pronounced as kappa).
  • It is defined as the ratio of the intensity of magnetization to magnetic intensity


  • It has no units as both I and H have the same units.

Now, when a magnetic material is placed in an external magnetic field of magnetic intensity H, it gets magnetized.

Then, the total magnetic field induction is:


We know that,

Therefore, putting this value in equation (1):




Factors Affecting Magnetic Permeability

  • Temperature
  • Magnetic Field Strength
  • Material Composition
  • Position in the medium
  • Frequency of the Magnetic Field
  • Humidity

Applications Of Magnetic Permeability In Technology

  • Used in Transformers and Inductors: Materials with high magnetic permeability are used in the cores of transformers and inductors to improve their efficiency.
  • Electric Motors and Generators: The materials with high relative magnetic permeability increase magnetic field interaction and energy conversion. Thus they can be used in the cores of motors and generators.
  • Sensors and Instruments: Magnetic field sensors, fluxgate magnetometers, and MRI machines use materials, with specific magnetic permeability for better efficiency

Also read:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why do magnetic field lines prefer to pass through ferromagnetic materials?

This is because permeability and susceptibility of ferromagnetic materials are very high.

2. Which materials have relative mu value greater than 1?

Para and ferromagnetic materials have relative mu value greater than 1.

3. What is the net magnetic moment of an atom of a diamagnet?


4. Can there be a material which is non-magnetic?

No, every material is at least diamagnetic

5. Which one amongst the permeability of free space, permeability of medium and relative permeability is dimensionless?

Relative permeability

6. What is relative magnetic permeability?

  It is the ratio of the permeability of a material to the permeability of the vacuum.

7. What is the S.I unit of magnetic permeability

 S.I unit of magnetic permeability is Henry per meter (H/m).

8. What is the formula for relative permeability?


9. What is the relative permeability in free space?



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