Hi , myself Akhyadha Patnaik I am from class eight , I had my ieo exam today and I didnt knew about it , I got the message of my roll number and exam today (the date of exam) . What should I do now its all sofs fault . will it take my retest ?
Dear aspirant !
Hope you are doing great ! Concentrate on your study first,also if you haven't prepared for the exam and Don't know anything about that then don't worry you can appear for it next time.there will not be any serious issue .
Hope it helps you !!
Thanking you.
Have a great day!!
Hi! can I get class 10th IEO level 1 previous year question paper ?
You can download IEO level 1 previous year question for class 10th and for various other classes as well by visiting our page the link for the same is provided below
Go well through these papers as practising these papers will help you to :-
*understand the examination pattern .
* types of questions which are asked in the exam .
* you will get an idea of the difficulty level of the questions asked in the examination .
* you can also have an idea of important topics which are covered in the exam , so that you can accordingly prepare for your examination
*it will help you to check your preparation level for the examination, so that you can work on your weak areas and can perform even better in your examination.
* solving these papers on your own will help you to improve your time. management skills so that in your actual examination you can solve questions with better speed and accuracy .
Best of luck for your IEO Level 1 exam preparation .
If you have any other query then you can always reach us to clear them :) we are always available to help you out and guide you.
Thank you
im age of 40 can i participate exam pls tell me procedure
You have tagged IEO which is international english olympaid,it's conducted from 1st standard to 12th standard students at two levels, those who qualify the first level are eligible for second level which is for 3rd to 12th standard students only, to know more details regarding this, visit our page at https://school.careers360.com/exams/ieo , in case your query is for something else you can write down the same in the comment box below.
sir my roll number is OD0413-08-D-059.In my IEO paper , set C, I have done question 21: option D and question 23: option B. but in my SPR you have written other option and cut my marks. My actual score must be 36 but you have given 34. Please correct it and if l am in 3rd after it give me medal
Shakti, there can be various reasons behind why some other answer is marked in the SPR other than what you think you marked. One reason could be that you might have solved the question correctly but marked another option in the OMR sheet by mistake. Otherwise you might not have bubbled the OMR correctly and that's why some other option was read as the answer marked by you.
SOF does not allow rechecking of papers as the answers are not corrected manually but by the machine. So I am sorry but the result you received would most probably be final. Although if you still wish to contact them, you can email your query on their official email ID: info@sofworld.org or result@sofworld.org
SOF IEO 2019-2020 Answert keys?
Set A: http://www.sofworld.org/sof-ieo-answer-keys-set-2019
Set B: http://www.sofworld.org/sof-ieo-answer-keys-set-b-2019
Set C: http://www.sofworld.org/sof-ieo-answer-keys-set-c-2019
SOF International English Olympiad free sample paper for 12th standard
It is a good idea to solve the sample papers to get an idea of the exam pattern and how to manage time efficiently during the exam. You can download the sample paper for SOF IEO for class 12th from their official website: http://www.sofworld.org/ieo/class-12/sample-model-test-papers/ieo-sample-papers-class-12
If suppose i have got 100% in level 1, i have to write level 2 also
Premlatha, there is a certain cut off that you need to score for being shortlisted for Stage 2. Anything that you score above the cut off is as good as scoring just the cut off marks. Your 1st level score is good for Level 1 only and not for Level 2. For example, lets say if the cut off was 50% and you scored 100%, your 100% is only good for Phase 1 and cannot be taken forward for Phase 2. You need to score again the required cut off for Phase 2 also. There is no carry forward option.
when will be the answer key of IEO will be realised of set C 2020
international english olympiad exam answer key for set c should be released on third week of november, 2020 tentatively. however there is no fixed date. You may follow careers360 website for latest updates.
Hello Madiha,
Answer key of IEO SET C for the class 8 can be found in this link which is given below.
And the results date is not declared ,it may be declared soon.
Hope this help you.